
Salvadoran government denied work permit to US journalist from digital media outlet El Faro

"The government of Nayib Bukele denied a work permit to American journalist, Roman Olivier Gressier, a member of El Faro. The news was published on the social networks of the media outlet, which said that in a week, two foreign journalists have received similar refusals 'under questionable grounds.'

Last week, Mexican editor Daniel Lizárraga was expelled from the country and his permit was denied on the grounds that he could not prove to be a journalist despite having a 23-year career.


'El argumento de Extranjería fue que Gressier no se encontraba en el país, y en tanto no tiene el ánimo de permanecer y residir en el país. El periodista contaba con un permiso de 90 días para entrar y salir de El Salvador, con vigencia hasta el 22 de septiembre', añadió el medio en Twitter.

It indicated that 'Gressier was out of the country when the notification reached El Faro' and that 'neither this newspaper nor Gressier received any summons from the Salvadoran authorities prior to the denial of the work permit.'"


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