
Smugglers threaten reporters on border of Bolivia and Argentina

“About a hundred dockworkers who illegally import Argentine food products into Bolivia threatened, with physical attacks, about five radio reporters who reported the destruction of a state office and the attempted seizure of a military regiment on Saturday, June 22.

'As a media outlet we warn that we have no guarantees to carry out our journalistic work since we receive threats and warnings from people in a state of intoxication...', the Panorama informative news program that broadcasts from Yacuiba, a border city located about 695 miles south of La Paz, published on its Facebook page.

'They threatened to shoot fireworks at my body and warned they would set my motorcycle on fire,' the director and journalist of Radioemisora ​​Líder, Gabriel Lozano, denounced in an interview with the Monitoring Unit of the National Press Association (ANP, for its acronym in Spanish). ”

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