
Violence against journalists in Brazil fell in 2023, but judicial restrictions a concern, says FENAJ

  • Source: FENAJ
  • January 29, 2024

"After unprecedented growth in recent years, the number of cases of violence against journalists fell again in 2023. The report Violence Against Journalists and Press Freedom in Brazil by the National Federation of Journalists (FENAJ, for its acronym in Portuguese) shows that, last year, 181 cases were recorded, which represents a drop of 51.86% compared to 376 in 2022.

However, for the organization's president, Samira de Castro, the daily reality of journalists' work in Brazil remains worrying. 'Aggressions against the profession and journalism continue and, in certain categories of violence, they even grew significantly in 2023, when compared to the previous year,' FENAJ's leader said during the launch of the report, held this Thursday (Jan. 25) , at the headquarters of the Association of Journalists of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro (SJMRJ).


Cases of restriction of press freedom through legal actions grew 92.31% in the last year. The number jumped from 13 actions or inquiries recorded in 2022 to 25 in 2023. Violence against associations or association members increased by 266.67%, going from three to 11 cases, in the same comparison."


Read original release (in Portuguese)