
False News

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AI, media literacy and regaining trust in news are topics of the 3rd Global Summit on Disinformation

"The third edition of the Global Summit on Disinformation, organized by the Inter American Press Association (IAPA), the Foundation for Journalism (Bolivia) and Proyecto Desconfío (Argentina), will be held on Sept. 27-28, 2023. The event is online and free of charge with previous registration in this link. [...] The event is aimed especially at journalists, […]

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Newly created official commission against disinformation in Chile raises concerns about possible censorship attempts

"The Inter American Press Association (SIP) expressed its concern about the decision of the Government of Chile to create an official commission to combat disinformation, warning it 'could fall into the temptation of establishing censorship mechanisms.' On June 20, the Official Gazette published the decree to create an Advisory Commission against Disinformation within the Ministry […]

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Social networks close partnership with Brazil's Electoral Tribunal, but do not clarify how they will combat disinformation

"In 2018, information on social networks was decisive for part of the Brazilian electorate to choose who to vote for: according to a survey by the DataSenado Institute, about 45 percent of respondents decided on their vote considering what they saw on some network. According to the survey, 79 percent used WhatsApp as one of […]

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Legal restrictions harm freedom of the press and expression, underlines IAPA resolution

“The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) expressed concern about bills and decrees issued under the argument of sanctioning the dissemination of fake news in countries such as Chile, Colombia, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Argentina, which cut off freedom of speech and the press. During its 76th General Assembly, held virtually from October 21 to […]