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Paraguay: Three women workers who had denounced harassment at Albavisión fired

"In May of this year, a group of women journalists of Channel 9 had denounced a superior for sexual harassment and had warned of the systematic nature of his behavior towards the female press workers under his charge. As a result of the investigation, more complaints and testimonies were gathered about the same person and […]

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Paraguay: Following allegations of sexual harassment of journalists, Albavisión media group announces measures

"After a series of allegations of sexual harassment of women journalists in the television channels of the same group, SNT and C9N, who were even forced to resign because of the situation, the Albavisión network announced that it will take measures in favor of the accusers. The Albavisión group, which includes the TV channels SNT […]

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Union of Journalists of Paraguay asks for more security for journalists

"On Journalist's Day [in Paraguay], the General Secretary of the Paraguayan Journalists' Union, Santiago Ortiz, stressed that journalism demands security and guarantees for its professional practice, particularly for colleagues from the interior of the country. He pointed to the accelerated deterioration of working conditions of journalists (...) The low salaries, long working hours, breach of […]

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Board for the Safety of Journalists of Paraguay requests investigation of the crime of a journalist

“A statement from the Board for the Safety of Journalists of Paraguay said the investigation of the crime of Sandro Saúl Sánchez Benítez, 38, which happened on March 16 in Pedro Juan Caballero, in the Department of Amambay, is essential. The victim was shot dead three times by a lone motorcyclist. Sandro Saúl Sánchez was […]

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Paraguay: Journalist Sandro Saúl Sánchez was murdered on the border with Brazil

"[…] The Board for the Safety of Journalists of Paraguay maintains that the investigation of the crime of Sandro Saúl Sánchez Benítez, 38, which occurred on March 16 in Pedro Juan Caballero, in the Department of Amambay, is essential. The victim was shot three times with a firearm by an unknown motorcyclist. Sandro Saúl Sánchez […]

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At least 10 deaths of journalists on the Brazil-Paraguay border in the past decade

At least 10 media professionals have been assassinated in the region near the border between Brazil and Paraguay in the last 10 years. Their deaths are largely related to organized crime. However, sometimes crimes are committed in retaliation for political disagreements, unrelated to criminal groups. The most recent case was that of Brazilian Léo Veras, […]

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Killer of Paraguayan journalist Pablo Medina is sentenced to 36 years in prison

"The Júri Court, in Curitiba, Brazil, sentenced hitman Flavio Acosta Riveros to 36 years in prison for the murder of Paraguayan journalist Pablo Medina and his assistant Antonia Almada, which took place in 2014. (...) Pablo Medina and his assistant were ambushed and killed on Oct. 16, 2017, in Villa Ygatimí, Canindeyú department in Paraguay. […]

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Paraguayan legislators present bill to protect journalists

"Liberal representatives Roya Torres and Esmérita Sánchez, as well as Rocío Abed presented a bill 'To protect journalists, communicators and human rights defenders,' coinciding with the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists, celebrated on Nov. 2. The objective, according to the bill, is that communicators can have a legal framework and to […]

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Paraguayan state acquiesces in lawsuit in case of journalist Santiago Leguizamón

“More than 30 years after [Santiago] Leguizamón's assassination, [Paraguayan] President Mario Abdo Benítez announced that the lawsuit filed by the communicator's family, in which they accuse the Paraguayan State of inaction to clarify the case, will not be appealed. The case is being processed in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights after the Inter-American Commission […]

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Paraguayan prosecutor files complaint against suspected killer of journalist Leo Veras

“One year and two months after the murder of Brazilian journalist Léo Veras, a new complaint was lodged by the public prosecutor's office of Paraguay. Prosecutor Alicia Sapriza, from the Center for the Fight against Organized Crime, accused Waldemar Pereira Rivas, known as “Cachorrão,” of criminal association and intentional homicide, and asked for a trial. […]

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Paraguayan journalist denounces mayor for death threat

"Journalist Cristian Bianciotto filed a complaint with the public prosecutor on Friday [March 26] against Eladio González, mayor of Coronel Oviedo, in light of the acts of coercion and death threat. It's a situation that has been going on for several months. The communicator fears for his life and that of his family, according to […]

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IACHR refers case of journalist murdered in Paraguay to the Inter-American Court

"Washington, D.C. - On February 13, 2021, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) referred the case of Santiago Leguizamón Zaván and family, regarding Paraguay, before the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. The case refers to the death of Santiago Leguizamón on April 26, 1991, an important and well-known journalist and human rights defender from […]