While authoritarian leaders in Latin America discredit media funded by US entities, journalists argue that these funds do not dictate their agendas, but rather support informative work in repressive contexts.
Judicial news portal Migalhas has acquired Congresso em Foco, a respected voice in Brazilian political coverage. The landmark deal is likely a pivotal moment for niche journalism and points toward a trend of consolidation in digital media.
Gatopardo rethinks its print and digital products so its winning long-form, visual journalism can continue to make an impact on the region.
Thanks to the success of a crowdfunding campaign, the Mexican independent journalism production company Dromómanos not only avoided bankruptcy, but is strengthening its educational division as a source of income, as well as preparing a continental investigation into bank fraud.
The Brazilian Internet Steering Committee published a report on the payment for journalistic content by digital platforms. The study traces an overview of the Brazilian debate and identifies the positions of the actors involved, as well as discusses regulatory frameworks in other countries.
“Journalism in the Era of Business Model Evolution: Imagining the End State” was the topic of the second keynote speech at ISOJ 2023. What is the next phase in the evolution of business models for news? As technology and habits change, diverse revenue streams and sustainability are common goals among media organizations.
In an interview with LJR, AJOR’s president, Natalia Viana, explains a new proposal to promote journalism sustainability. The proposal would change the Fake News Bill, which is currently being discussed in Brazil's Congress. The association's stance on the proposal differs from that of large media groups in the country.
Investigative news outlets Revista Espejo and Red Es Poder, located in Mexico's high-crime states, have produced journalistic content for businesses and paid coverage of events as alternative sources of income. This has helped compensate for a lack of advertising resulting from brands' fear of advertising in news outlets that cover insecurity or corruption.
During a workshop offered by the Knight Foundation at ISOJ 2022, LION Publishers, Revenue Lab by Texas Tribune and Newspack spoke about how they are providing new and legacy newsrooms with different types of resources to have a more efficient and fulfilling road to sustainability.
The media accelerator Fondo Velocidad supported, trained and financed improvements to ten digital media outlets in nine Latin American countries. Thanks to the program, the ten participating media outlets achieved a total income of more than 5 million dollars in the last two years.
April Brumley Hingle, director of financial resources at The Texas Tribune, and Janine Warner, co-founder of SembraMedia, were the guests of ISOJ 2022 for a conversation about subscriptions, events, products, and tips on how to diversify revenue from news outlets.