

Posts Tagged ‘ Exile ’

A man with glasses stands at a podium with a United States flag to the left and the ISOJ 2023 sign on podium

Journalists call on organizations, lawmakers to support reporters in exile, ISOJ audience hears

Journalists who have experienced exile around the world gathered at the International Symposium of Online Journalism (ISOJ) in Austin on April 15 to talk about how they continue to report on their home countries and what they need from lawmakers, nonprofits, and citizens to support them.

Cuban journalist Abraham Jiménez Enoa

‘Independent journalists in Cuba are dying out and those who are left are tied up’: 5 questions for Cuban journalist Abraham Jiménez Enoa

Journalist Abraham Jiménez Enoa, who in January this year published his first book, ‘La Isla Oculta’ [The hidden island], spoke to LJR about how independent journalism in his country struggles to survive in the face of a dictatorship. Also, he talked about how he found, in the long-form crónica, the ideal genre to narrate the complexities of Cuba, his exile and capitalism.

Mexican Journalist Luis Horacio Nájera

Mexican journalist in exile Luis Horacio Nájera combines his efforts to practice his profession in Canada with a cleaning job

Journalist Luis Horacio Nájera, who fled Mexico due to threats from organized crime, shared with LJR how after 14 years in exile in Canada he has been forced to take a job as a janitor while facing the challenge of writing a memoir.