César López Linares began his career at the Mexican newspaper REFORMA as an entertainment and media co-editor. He has written for publications such as TODO Austin, Texas Music Magazine and The Austin Chronicle. César has a Master's degree in Journalism from the University of Texas at Austin and a Bachelors degree in Communication from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He previously wrote about innovation in journalism for the Gabo Foundation in Colombia and currently reports for the Knight Center's LatAmJournalism Review digital magazine. A native of Mexico City, César has become a digital nomad combining content creation with his passion for travel.
César López Linares inició su carrera en el diario mexicano REFORMA como coeditor de entretenimiento y medios. Ha escrito para publicaciones como TODO Austin, Texas Music Magazine y The Austin Chronicle. César tiene una Maestría en Periodismo de la Universidad de Texas en Austin y una Licenciatura en Comunicación de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Previamente escribió sobre innovación en periodismo para la Fundación Gabo en Colombia y actualmente escribe para la revista digital LatAmJournalism Review del Centro Knight. Originario de la Ciudad de México, César se ha convertido en un nómada digital que combina la creación de contenido con su pasión por viajar.
César López Linares começou sua carreira no jornal mexicano REFORMA como coeditor de entretenimento e mídia. Ele escreveu para publicações como TODO Austin, Texas Music Magazine e The Austin Chronicle. César tem mestrado em jornalismo pela University of Texas em Austin e é bacharel em comunicação pela Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Antes disso, ele escreveu sobre inovação no jornalismo para a Fundação Gabo na Colômbia. Atualmente escreve para a revista digital LatAmJournalism Review do Centro Knight. Nascido na Cidade do México, César se tornou um nômade digital combinando a criação de conteúdo com sua paixão por viagens.
Considering the dangerous environments for press professionals in Mexico, nine newsrooms in various parts of the country learned to build their own physical, digital and facility security protocols based on their specific circumstances, as part of the Safer Newsrooms initiative from the IAPA and Google News Initiative.
Digital satire programs, such as Mexico’s “El Pulso de la República” or Colombia’s “La Pulla,” are gaining increasing visibility and having big impacts on public discourse in their countries. They’re also filling the gap in sociopolitical criticism left by traditional media, according to research by Peruvian journalist and academic Paul Alonso.
Lawmakers approved a reform bill that would eliminate Mexico’s transparency agency, which raises questions about how the right to public information will be upheld. Journalists and organizations warn about the risk of longer, costlier and less transparent processes, which would create obstacles for journalism and accountability.
In the workshop at the Autonomous University of Mexico City, students from the city’s peripheral boroughs get an opportunity to highlight their neighborhoods and interests, challenging stigma and filling a void left by major outlets.
Collusion by authorities, lack of official data and indifference from society make it difficult to cover human trafficking and exploitation, according to journalists who have investigated the topic in Colombia, Mexico and Paraguay.
“The journalists tell,” a production from theater company Teatro Línea de Sombra and independent media outlet Elefante Blanco, seeks to raise awareness about the press’ experiences in Mexico.
Collaboration, feminist perspectives, and newsroom diversity lead to better migration coverage, according to panelists at this year’s Migration Journalism Congress in Mérida, Spain.
Brazilian journalist Vanessa de Macedo Higgins Joyce focused on Argentina, Brazil and Colombia and found ways in which digital news media can build consensus in polarized societies.
In a region that’s especially vulnerable to the effects of climate change, environmental content platform Cari-Bois is training teenagers and adults to report on their communities.
These were the main challenges faced by journalism and press freedom during Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s government in Mexico.