César López Linares began his career at the Mexican newspaper REFORMA as an entertainment and media co-editor. He has written for publications such as TODO Austin, Texas Music Magazine and The Austin Chronicle. César has a Master's degree in Journalism from the University of Texas at Austin and a Bachelors degree in Communication from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. He previously wrote about innovation in journalism for the Gabo Foundation in Colombia and currently reports for the Knight Center's LatAmJournalism Review digital magazine. A native of Mexico City, César has become a digital nomad combining content creation with his passion for travel.
César López Linares inició su carrera en el diario mexicano REFORMA como coeditor de entretenimiento y medios. Ha escrito para publicaciones como TODO Austin, Texas Music Magazine y The Austin Chronicle. César tiene una Maestría en Periodismo de la Universidad de Texas en Austin y una Licenciatura en Comunicación de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Previamente escribió sobre innovación en periodismo para la Fundación Gabo en Colombia y actualmente escribe para la revista digital LatAmJournalism Review del Centro Knight. Originario de la Ciudad de México, César se ha convertido en un nómada digital que combina la creación de contenido con su pasión por viajar.
César López Linares começou sua carreira no jornal mexicano REFORMA como coeditor de entretenimento e mídia. Ele escreveu para publicações como TODO Austin, Texas Music Magazine e The Austin Chronicle. César tem mestrado em jornalismo pela University of Texas em Austin e é bacharel em comunicação pela Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Antes disso, ele escreveu sobre inovação no jornalismo para a Fundação Gabo na Colômbia. Atualmente escreve para a revista digital LatAmJournalism Review do Centro Knight. Nascido na Cidade do México, César se tornou um nômade digital combinando a criação de conteúdo com sua paixão por viagens.
Factchequeado, a U.S. initiative from Chequeado and Maldita.es, is betting on projects that include an interactive course on WhatsApp and a bilingual guide for journalists, to try to shield Spanish-speaking communities in that country from misinformation ahead of presidential elections on Nov. 5.
Disinformation and obstacles to accessing public information are some of the challenges that journalists from Bolivia, Colombia and Mexico have faced when covering issues related to water. Reporters shared recommendations to improve coverage of the water crisis, including the use of long-term and long-form reporting.
A Reuters Institute study showed that the most popular generative AI platform in Argentina is by far ChatGPT, although very few people use it to get news. It also showed that Argentines have slightly more confidence than people from other countries that the news media make responsible use of this technology. Two journalists from that country shared their opinion on the findings.
After presenting VerificAudio, an AI tool to detect manipulated audio material and combat disinformation, the PRISA media group will begin using it in its news stations in Spain, Mexico, Colombia and Chile. It’s also considering collaboration with other media that are interested in the tool.
Faced with the proposal of a new telecommunications law in Nicaragua, independent journalists are preparing for possible blocking of their websites, regulation of audiovisual content and control of production equipment. Some media outlets have already started campaigns to raise awareness among readers about possible measures to avoid censorship.
Journalist and 2021 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Maria Ressa, who was attacked by an authoritarian regime for her critical journalism in the Philippines, said the harassment faced by many journalists working today in Latin America is identical to what she experienced. In our 5 Questions section, she advises her Latin American colleagues to join forces, collaborate and seek support.
Directors of El Faro (El Salvador) and Confidencial (Nicaragua) pointed to risk assessment, complete trust between editors and reporters, legal defense and psychological support as fundamental elements to preserve the well-being and safety of their teams in the face of harassment, threats and criminalization.
The Governing Council of the Gabo Foundation recognized Guatemalan journalist José Rubén Zamora with its 2024 Recognition of Journalistic Excellence for his more than three decades work revealing corruption and abuses of power in his country. Zamora has been in prison for more than 650 days in connection with multiple controversial judicial proceedings.
The importance of monitoring disinformation in political campaigns, the risks of using social networks to influence public discourse and the current role of fact checking were some topics that panelists from Argentina, Brazil and Mexico addressed at the International Journalism Festival 2024, in Perugia, Italy.
Digital media outlets CIPER (Chile), Agência Pública (Brazil) and La Antígona (Peru) have innovative financing models involving their audiences that have allowed them simultaneously to support themselves financially and strengthen their bonds with readers. These media shared 10 strategies to optimize reader contributions.