
Knight Center

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Cómo pueden los periodistas medir e interactuar con sus audiencias: inscríbase en el nuevo curso en inglés del Centro Knight

"El desarrollo de la audiencia se ha convertido en algo muy importante para las salas de redacción, pero generalmente es tratado solo por algunas funciones técnicas", dijo Zamora.

How journalists can measure and engage with their audiences: Sign up now for Knight Center’s new online course

“Audience development has become so important in many newsrooms, but it's often isolated to a few specialist roles,” Zamora said.

The Membership Puzzle Project

Knight Center publishes Membership Puzzle Project report, in Spanish and Portuguese, on member-driven movements

The report is written at a time when long-standing and startup news organizations alike are facing great challenges in terms of financial sustainability and survival.

Newspapers bring printed

We asked Latin American journalists why press freedom is important and this is what they said

The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas wanted to celebrate World Press Freedom Day (WPFD) by turning the tape recorder to journalists and press freedom advocates.

'Product Management for Newsroom Leaders:' Sign up now for Knight Center's new online course on 'product thinking'

Newsrooms around the world have been struggling to restructure and create new positions that require skills journalists were not accustomed to having, but which became essencial for media to be competitive in the markets created by the digital revolution. Product Manager is one of those new jobs for journalists. We are offering another online course to help journalists get ready for this new job.

Navigating Misinformation_How to identify and verify what you see on the web

Learn how to identify and verify what you see on the web: Sign up for free online course 'Navigating Misinformation'

Learning how to verify content from online sources is more important each day, especially as the amount of false content on the internet grows.

social media icons

Learn to see the other in the age of selfie: Sign up for free online course on documentary photography

The free online course  “Visual Journalism: Looking at the other in the age of selfie” will be taught by celebrated and award-winning photographer João Pina from March 4 to 31, 2019. Register now!

How to Use Your Phone to Produce Great Videos & Build a Social Audience: Sign up for MOOC on mobile journalism

When Yusuf Omar spoke to a crowd of media executives, academics and journalists last April in Austin, he told them “Our future is in our ability to curate and aggregate and listen to the voices of mobile storytellers around the world.”

News Algorithms: Sign up now for this free online course, learn about the impact of AI and automation on journalism

Newsrooms around the world are using automation to produce earnings reports, identify fact-checkable statements, and provide updates on court cases, among other functions. It’s now imperative that journalists understand the power and pitfalls of these technologies.

Mooc anniversary graphic: 6 years, 51 moons, 9 boca, 200 countries, 164,540 students

In six years, 164,000 people from 200 countries participated in Knight Center's online courses in journalism

The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas is celebrating the 6th anniversary of its program of massive online courses in journalism that has an unparalleled reach around the world.