
Tania Lara

Recent Articles

The Guardian reveals Mexican TV station's information manipulation to favor presidential candidate

The British newspaper The Guardian said it had documents that proved that a Mexican presidential candidate bought favorable coverage on the most important TV station in the country, Televisa.

Guatemalan TV reporter injured during student protest

A Guatemalan TV reporter was injured while covering the eviction of university student protesters, reported the news agency AFP.

Cuba expels journalist for interviewing activist

Cuban authorities have given independent journalist Alexis Ferrer 72 hours to leave the island, reported the site Cuba Encuentro.

Mexican political columnist threatened after criticizing presidential candidate

Political columnist Katia D’Artigues of the Mexican newspaper El Universal said that she and her son received many death threats via Twitter warning her to stop criticizing presidential candidate Enrique Peña Nieto, of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI in Spanish), reported the Program for Freedom of Expression of the Center for Journalism and Public Ethics (CEPET in Spanish).

Guatemala publishes first Braille newspaper in Central America

On Thursday, May 31, the first Braille newspaper in Central American was published in Guatemala, reported the news site CNN México. The monthly publication Publinews Braille will be available at no cost in the offices of the Committee for the Blind and Deaf of Guatemala and will be available for 110,000 blind people, according to the radio station Emisoras Unidas.

Dominican TV journalist receives death threats

Dominican TV journalist Nuria Piera said she received death threats after reporting about a senator that donated millions of dollars to the candidacy of the current President of Haiti, Michel Martelly, reported the newspaper Miami Herald. Since then, the journalist and her family have been protected by bodyguards.

Circula nova lista com ameaças contra jornalistas em Veracruz, México

No estado mexicano de Veracruz, um dos 10 lugares mais perigosos para exercer o jornalismo no mundo, ressurgiram temores de que mais jornalistas possam ser assassinados. De acordo com o jornal digital El Arsenal, uma nova lista circula com nomes de mais jornalistas que estariam na mira dos criminosos nos próximos dias e as advertências foram feitas por um funcionário da Procuradoria estadual.

Cuban blogger Yoani Sánchez demands explanation for why she's banned from traveling abroad

DIssident Cuban blogger Yoani Sánchez filed a request with the country's Ministry of the Interior for an explanation of why the Office for Immigration and Foreigners’ Affairs denied her permission to leave the island and travel abroad, reported El Nuevo Herald.

New list circulates threatening journalists in Veracruz, Mexico

In the Mexican state of Veracruz, one of the 10 most-dangerous places in the world to practice journalism, fear is surging that more journalists are going to be killed. According to the digital newspaper El Arsenal, a new list is circulating with the names of journalists slated to be killed in coming days, and the warning comes from an official in the state prosecutor's office.

Letter to OAS supports Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression, opposes proposals to limit human rights system

Rights Court, and the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression. The letter was sent in anticipation of the 42nd OAS General Assembly, June 3-5 in the city of Cochabamba in Bolivia, where different proposals will be discussed to change the Inter American human rights system, according to the Venezuelan newspaper El Universal. The proposals caused concern among diverse human rights organizations, such as Human Rights Watch, which said that these changes would weaken the Human Rights Commission, reported the news age