
Guatemalan police threaten journalist for taking photos of accident scene

Guatemalan reporter received death threats from a National Civil Police agent while trying to cover a vehicle accident, according to the Guatemalan Center for Informative Reports (Cerigua in Spanish).

Víctor Espino, correspondent for the station Radio Punto and the newspapers Siglo 21 and Al Día in the department of Jalapa, in southwest Guatemala, filed a complaint with the Human Rights Ombudsman against a police officer who told him to move and threatened him in order to prevent him from taking photos of the accident scene, reported Prensa Libre.

After the incident, the reporter could not obtain the name of the officer who threatened him, and he claimed that Deputy Commissioner Sandoval Bonilla asked the media not to report on what happened because it would blacken the police department's name, according to Noticias de Jalapa.