
Media Sustainability

Presenters of the Knight Foundation workshop

Tailor-made solutions for local news organizations help them achieve sustainability

During a workshop offered by the Knight Foundation at ISOJ 2022, LION Publishers, Revenue Lab by Texas Tribune and Newspack spoke about how they are providing new and legacy newsrooms with different types of resources to have a more efficient and fulfilling road to sustainability.

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Big tech companies unite against payment for news content in Brazil; journalists are divided

Big tech companies are more united than ever against the Brazilian bill that regulates platforms in order to fight fake news. The bill provides for the remuneration of journalistic organizations, but journalists themselves are divided. Payment by platforms for journalism is a trend, with agreements signed in Australia and France and contemplated in Canada and the United Kingdom.

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Velocidad Fund shares key areas necessary for digital news outlets in Latin America to become independent, sustainable, and reach a broader audience

Media accelerator Velocidad shared lessons learned in 16 months of consulting, follow-up and financial support to ten news outlets in Latin America. During this time, these media organizations saw improvements in their organizational structure, audience loyalty, business model and product vision and culture.

the word "Publicidad" printed on a newspaper

State advertising in media should be a technical, not political issue, organizations say in reaction to Peruvian president's position

After statements from Peruvian President Pedro Castillo that he will not give state advertising money to media that misrepresent the facts, several press freedom organizations in the country highlighted that state contracting is the responsibility of the State, not the president. State contracting should not turn into political rewards or punishments.

Journalists Anna Beatriz Anjos and Giulia Afiune, from 'Agência Pública', interview Julieta Paredes, an Indigenous activist from Bolivia.

Media from Colombia, Brazil and Mexico promote membership programs and offer useful lessons in the search for reader revenue

This story was originally published by the Reuter's Institute at the University of Oxford and has been republished here with permission.   The pandemic has worsened the economic outlook for many news publishers. At the same time, it has afforded an opportunity to diversify revenue streams by offering service journalism and editorial products more directly connected to readers’ […]

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Latin American media chosen for second phase of Velocidad program will receive additional $600,000 in direct investment

Six media outlets from Brazil, Paraguay, Argentina, Venezuela and Chile will proceed to the second phase of the Velocidad independent media accelerator program.

Catarina Carvalho, Gumersindo Lafuente, Pilar Velasco e Virginia Alonso

COVID-19 pandemic intensifies media crisis in Portugal and Spain

As it did in Latin America, COVID-19 has a strong impact on the media outlets in Portugal and Spain, with a drastic reduction in advertising, and cuts to staff and salary.

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Latin America and the Caribbean celebrate three years of the International Day for Universal Access to Information

For the third year, Sept. 28 is being celebrated around the world as the International Day for Universal Access to Information.

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Media from Brazil and Venezuela collaborate for innovative report about mining conflict in the Amazon

The intense mining activity that takes place in a vast area of the Venezuelan Amazon inspired a group of journalists interested in social and environmental issues to work collaboratively across borders.

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Need for more reporting on South America’s Amazon led to the creation of a $5.5 million fund for rainforest journalism

Journalists working in the Amazon now have a new fund at their disposal to help realize coverage of the region thanks in part to the initiative of reporters working in the area.