
Argentine journalist Hugo Moyano receives bullets in unaddressed envelope

"The journalistic environment of Santa Cruz, [Argentina], especially its capital Río Gallegos, felt a strong shock today [April 17] after it was reported that journalist Huyo Moyano, recognized for the Contracara program of the station Radio News, received an envelope with two bullets inside as a death threat.

The incident was recorded by a security camera, where a man is seen walking towards the door of the radio facilities on Molina Street to leave a package. According to the communicator, after an analysis, it was revealed that the ammunition allegedly belonged to the police and the security system.

'I hold the police responsible for whatever happens, because they, with their lawyers, are now seeing how they can silence me. I warn you that we are going to discuss freedom of the press in the Federal Justice system,' Moyano said, asserting that 'not even Kirchnerism dared to do so much, they are not going to silence me.' In that sense, he described the Santa Cruz police as a 'mafia.'"


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