
Brazil: Court decision may impact the work of women journalists

"The release of a message, as a form of protection for a woman journalist who felt threatened, is about to be judged in the São Paulo Court of Justice (TJ-SP). In the month of women's struggle, the case of journalist Juliana Dal Piva deserves attention. After receiving a message from the Bolsonaro family's lawyer, Frederick Wassef, for stories she had published, Juliana released a printout of the text and was convicted, in the first instance, for having made the information public.


Now, the 4th Chamber of Private Law of the TJ-SP is to analyze this important case, whose outcome may impact the lives of thousands of professionals. In short, an important precedent on the protection of a journalist's right of free speech and expression will be on trial. Whether, upon receiving an intimidating, misogynistic and aggressive message, she may or may not publicize the threatening content."

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