
Ecuador: El Comercio newspaper stops circulation for three days; employees denounce unpaid salaries

"The printed version of El Comercio newspaper will stop circulating for three consecutive days: Dec. 3 to 5. The official reason is 'that there was a planning mistake in the newsroom.' However, journalists claim that many of them - who are working remotely and who have not been paid salaries for three months - can no longer pay for services such as electricity, Internet, or transportation to reporting sites.

Unofficially, Fundamedios learned that the situation is critical due to a lack of supplies such as paper, unpaid salaries (the workers were even informed that they would not be paid in December), the absolute lack of answers from the business group belonging to the Mexican Ángel Remigio González and the inaction of the Government authorities who had initially promised to protect the rights of the workers and journalists of the newspaper.


Fundamedios asked a group of journalists from the newspaper, who requested anonymity, about the situation. One of them said that the director of the newspaper, Marcos Vaca, informed during a meeting that there wouldn't be printed product because there was no contents, and the planning for the weekend and the [Dec. 5] holiday failed. Another source told Fundamedios that the problem is that, after three consecutive months without payments, it is difficult to pay for tools such as internet or mobilization for coverage."

Read original article (in Spanish)