
Haitian media association demands release of kidnapped TV channel general manager

  • Source: IAPA
  • April 18, 2023

"The National Association of Haitian Media (ANMH, by its Spanish acronym) demanded the release of Robert Dénis, a former member of its executive board who was kidnapped in the Haitian capital.

In a statement released [on April 13] in Port-au-Prince, ANMH expressed its concern for the life of Dénis, currently general manager of the private television station Canal Bleu, and twice vice-president of the organization.

Dénis was kidnapped on Tuesday afternoon, April 11, in Petion Ville, a middle-class sector of the Haitian capital where the victim resides. According to local media, the kidnapping was carried out by men belonging to the gang known as 'Kraze Barye,' which operates in the area.

According to ANMH, the general manager of Canal Bleu had undergone several operations for heart problems, was not in good health, and was in a period of full recovery."

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