
IACHR seeks respondents for survey about exile of journalists from the Americas

"The Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) will prepare a report on the growing exile of journalists in the Americas, highlighting its impact on the right to freedom of expression and press, access to public information and democracy.

The objective of this report is to identify and make visible the underlying causes that drive journalists and communicators into exile, mainly related to violence and impunity and to the weakening of democratic institutions and the closure of civic spaces. It also aims to evaluate the impact of this trend on freedom of expression and other fundamental rights. In particular, the impact on diversity and pluralism of information and the right of access to information of public interest, due to the expansion of "zones of media silence". Finally, the report will formulate recommendations to the States to address these challenges.

In this context, the Office of the Special Rapporteur invites States, civil society organizations, journalists and the media, human rights defenders, researchers and academic institutions, and other interested persons to submit information they consider relevant on the subject.

Deadline to respond: May 10, 2024

Send replies to: CIDHexpresion@oas.org"

Read the original call and access the survey