
More than 1,500 journalists have been killed by COVID, with India and Brazil at the top of the list

"The Press Emblem Campaign announced this Monday (June 7) in Geneva that the number of journalists killed by COVID-19 surpassed the 1,500 mark worldwide, reaching 1,503. The month of May was the deadliest for the media since the beginning of the pandemic, with more than 200 losses, an average of seven per day.

The countries with the highest number of press professionals victimized by COVID-19 are India, with 246, and Brazil, with 239, followed by Peru (163) and Mexico (112).


With five countries among the ten most affected, Latin America concentrates more than half of the deaths of journalists by COVID-19 worldwide. Of the twenty countries with the highest number of journalist deaths by COVID-19, ten are from the region."


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