
Ecuadorian news anchor denounces attack and death threats related to her coverage of an accident

"The journalist and news anchor of Majestad Televisión Lissette Ormaza publicly denounced that she was the victim of an attack 'disguised' as a traffic accident, orchestrated by those who have been threatening her for several months because of her journalistic work. On Thursday morning [June 22], Ormaza left her house on her way to the television station where she works [in the Ecuadorian city of Santo Domingo]. [...] While she was driving her car in the middle lane, an individual driving on the left lane made an attempt to throw his vehicle at her, and she, trying to avoid him, lost control, fell into the ditch and rolled over.


Ormaza had covered a traffic accident that took place in the canton [municipality] Flavio Alfaro, in the province of Santo Domingo. She had collected testimonies from the relatives of a fatal victim and of the survivors, who said there had been mechanical failures and an excess of passengers in the fleet of the bus that crashed.

Fundamedios accessed a message [...] that was addressed to a relative of the journalist, where they expressly asked her to tell Ormaza to stop investigating the aforementioned accident, 'otherwise, I will be forced to use the last bullet, which has her name engraved on it [...].'"

Read original article (in Spanish)