
Number of Venezuelans living in news deserts rises to more than seven million

"The Press and Society Institute of Venezuela (IPYS, by its Spanish acronym) updated its study 'Atlas del Silencio' (Atlas of Silence), which delves into the information conditions prevailing in the country. According to the most recent edition of this research, at least 7 million 25 thousand 427 Venezuelans (21% of the population) live in information deserts, areas where access to local information is insufficient. These results show an increase of 1 million 753 thousand 674 citizens who now live in localities with information scarcity, when compared to the 5 million 271 thousand 753 Venezuelans who were in these communities in 2020, when the organization first conducted this study.

According to the results of the project, radio was mentioned as the media that produces daily local information with the greatest presence, being registered in 308 localities (representing 84.38%) of the 365 areas evaluated (the 335 municipalities of the country and the 30 parishes of La Guaira and the Capital District). Then, there are the digital media registered in 261 (71.51%), television stations in third place, appearing in 160 (43.84%) and, finally, printed newspapers mentioned in 97 localities (26.58%)."

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