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Brazil is the third country that has lost most freedom of expression in the past ten years, according to ARTICLE19 survey

"Brazil is the third country that, between 2011 and 2021, had one of the highest declines in freedom of expression indicators, according to the Global Expression Report annual report by ARTICLE 19, a non-governmental organization for the defense and promotion of the right to freedom of expression and access to information worldwide, released this Thurs. June […]

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Indigenous expert murdered alongside British journalist was investigating the role of the city government in illegal fishing

"Brazilian Indigenous expert Bruno Pereira – who died on June 5, 2022, along with British journalist Dom Phillips, in the Javari Valley (AM) – was mapping the connections of the Atalaia do Norte (AM) city hall with the group involved in poaching and illegal fishing in the Indigenous Land of the Javari Valley. Pereira had […]

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Brazilian court upholds conviction of President Bolsonaro for crimes against journalist Patrícia Campos Mello

"The 8th Private Law Chamber of the São Paulo State Court of Justice (TJSP, by its Portuguese acronym) upheld the conviction of President Jair Bolsonaro for offense and sexual insinuations against journalist Patrícia Campos Mello, of the [newspaper] Folha de S. Paulo. By 4 votes to 1, the judges upheld the lower court's decision and […]

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Journalist Antonio de la Cruz murdered in Tamaulipas, Mexico

"Journalist Antonio de la Cruz was riddled with bullets near his home this Wednesday morning, June 29. A family member was wounded, according to initial reports from the authorities. The reporter, who had worked for 15 years for the Expreso newspaper in the capital of Tamaulipas, Ciudad Victoria, has become the 12th murder of journalists […]

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Peruvian Press Council warns that the Executive's bill is an attack against citizenship

"The Peruvian Press Council (CPP, by its Spanish acronym) assured on June 20 that the bill that penalizes the dissemination of reserved information on judicial cases is an attack against the citizenship. The institution warned that, under such a law, judges, prosecutors and police officers who leak information to the press before a process reaches […]

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Call for journalists wishing to receive training and grants to cover migration in Latin America

"The DW Akademie in partnership with Escuela Cocuyo and El Faro, and with the support of the German Federal Foreign Office, are launching the largest editorial room training on migration coverage in Latin America: Puentes de Comunicación III [Communication Bridges III]. 60 journalists will be trained alongside expert editors. The best 15 entries submitted at […]

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ANP strongly condemns the release of kidnappers of journalists in Bolivia

"A strong condemnation was expressed by the Bolivian National Press Association (ANP, by its Spanish acronym) after the decision of Judge Roberto Cruz Hurtado who freed two kidnappers of journalists, in two hearings held between June 22 and 27, and described the fact as a reprehensible act of impunity that distorts the sense of justice. […]

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On Journalists' Day in Venezuela, the country faces censorship, official disinformation and the threat of a reform that seeks to attack the profession

"'There is not much to celebrate, but there is much to demand,' Tinedo Guía, president of the National College of Journalists (CNP), said on June 27, Journalists' Day in Venezuela. [...] Between 2017 and 2019, according to a study by the NGO Espacio Público, 'the worsening of the social and political context impacted the media […]

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Google News Initiative opens enrollment for journalism business acceleration program in Brazil

"Interested news startups have until July 17 to sign up for the second edition of the GNI Startups Lab, an acceleration program promoted by Google News Initiative in Brazil with the support of Ajor (Digital Journalism Association) and the innovation lab Echos. This initiative is aimed at Brazilian startups. The objective is to support companies […]

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Peru: Fujimori's trial for journalist's 1991 murder postponed

"Peru's Judiciary postponed the start of the trial scheduled for this Thursday for the death of young journalist Melisa Alfaro, who died in 1991 due to the explosion of an envelope bomb, allegedly prepared by the Army Intelligence Service, during the government of then President Alberto Fujimori (...) In October 1991, Alfaro was 23 years […]