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Anonymous sources: Repression installs unprecedented self-censorship in Nicaragua

“The repressive escalation of the Ortega-Murillos against any voice that criticizes their dictatorship has caused sources of information to close. It is an ‘information blackout’ never seen in times of peace in the country. Those who dare to speak only do so on condition of anonymity. It is a devastating blow to freedom of expression […]

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Sentence for murder of Mexican journalist Miroslava Breach increased to 51 years and three months

"When deciding the appeal of Juan Carlos Moreno Ochoa, alias El Larry, for the murder of Miroslava Breach Velducea, correspondent for La Jornada and collaborator of Norte de Juárez, a unitary court increased his sentence from 50 to 51 years and three months in prison and the payment of compensation to indirect victims to 8,120,000 […]

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In Brasil, protesters attack at least six press teams on September 7

"Protesters twice prevented a video team from Jovem Pan from recording images during the coverage of the demonstrations in favor of President Jair Bolsonaro (no party) on Tuesday (Sept. 7, 2021), in São Paulo. The president's supporters even hurled bottles and pieces of wood at the radio professionals. 'Fortunately, we were not injured,' said reporter […]

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The violence suffered by women journalists in Mexico

"Exercising journalism in our country [Mexico] can cause censorship, intimidation, smear campaigns or threats, which can escalate to physical violence, attacks, homicide or femicide. In this case, women journalists experience a double condition of risk: the first linked to their gender that places them in great inequalities compared to men; and the second, discrimination when […]

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Colombian court could delimit the right to freedom of expression of public officials

"The Constitutional Court could delimit the scope of the right to freedom of expression of public officials and of the use of social networks to question human rights organizations. The ruling would occur if the Court agrees to study the protection filed by the Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP) against Juan Pablo Bieri, former manager […]

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Association of community media of Honduras demands delivery of radio frequencies and denounces persecution

"The Community Media Association of Honduras (AMCH) demanded the National Telecommunications Commission (CONATEL) to assign radio frequencies and denounced the 'systematic persecution' of the organization to shut down its media. 'For many months we have experienced surveillance and monitoring by CONATEL, which constitutes a systematic persecution with a view on closing our media, which are […]

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Bolsonaro supporters try to invade Ministry of Health in Brazil after threatening TV crew

"A group of Jair Bolsonaro's supporters tried to invade the headquarters of the Ministry of Health, in Brasília, this Wednesday morning (8). The incident took place the day after the pro-government and coup-supporting demonstrations promoted by the president on the Sept. 7 holiday. According to a member of the ministry who followed the confusion, the […]

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Court dismisses sedition charges against Indigenous Guatemalan journalist

"On Friday [Sept. 3], a Guatemalan court dismissed charges against Indigenous journalist Anastasia Mejía for sedition and attack with specific aggravations, in a case fueled by a mayor in the north of the country. With the resolution of the case, described by international organizations as an attack on press freedom, the communicator was released from […]

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Guatemala: President of Congress denies journalist from 'elPeriódico' access to press conference

"The president of the [Guatemalan] Congress, Allan Rodríguez, today denied the entry of elPeriódico journalist, Enrique García, to his office where the congressman would have spoken about the 2022 budget project. Rodríguez invited a group of journalists to his office to answer questions about the budget project, but indicated that only 'decent' media could enter […]

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Journalists attacked in operation against migrant caravan in Mexico

"On Wednesday morning (Sept. 1), around 400 elements of the National Guard and another 500 from the National Migration Institute (INM) attacked migrants, journalists and activists in a new raid in Mapastepec, Chiapas [Mexico]. ... Journalists, as well as elements of the National Human Rights Commission and activists were attacked with the intention that they […]