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Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is convicted of offending journalist Patricia Campos Mello

"[Brazilian] President Jair Bolsonaro was ordered to compensate journalist Patricia Campos Mello, of newspaper Folha de S.Paulo. The decision was rendered by Judge Inah de Lemos e Silva Machado, of the 19th Civil Court of São Paulo, on March 16, 2021. The indemnity was fixed at R $ 20,000 (about US $3,500). He should also bear […]

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Chile: TVN journalist loses his vision after his press team is shot at

"A press team with Chilean national television (TVN) was shot while reporting in southern Chile, causing serious injuries to a cameraman and loss of vision in one eye, as reported by authorities reported on Sunday (March 28, 2021). Cameraman Esteban Sánchez suffered an ocular flare as a result of the shots he received while moving with […]

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Jair Bolsonaro é condenado por ofender jornalista Patricia Campos Mello

"O presidente Jair Bolsonaro foi condenado a indenizar a jornalista Patricia Campos Mello, do jornal Folha de S.Paulo. A decisão foi proferida pela juíza Inah de Lemos e Silva Machado, da 19ª Vara Civil de São Paulo, em 16 de março de 2021. A indenização foi fixada em R$ 20.000. Também deverá arcar com as custas […]

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In these Latin American newsrooms, remote work is here to stay

"Several Latin American media organizations are undergoing major, permanent workplace transformations. Even though these newsrooms are in different countries, each with their own cultural, social and political contexts, some common trends are emerging. First, the economic impacts and restrictions caused by the pandemic accelerated, or in some cases caused, newsrooms to adopt a hybrid model […]

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YouTube closes channel of Venezuelan news outlet El Pitazo for video broadcast in 2019

"On the night of March 24, El Pitazo received notification of a new YouTube sanction against a video published by this native digital media outlet. This action, the third in three months, led to the definitive closure of the channel, which had more than 102,000 accumulated followers since Dec. 8, 2014, the date on which […]

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CNN Brazil journalist relays racist episode while reporting at a club

"CNN reporter Jairo Nascimento was the target of racism at Clube Pinheiros, in São Paulo, when he was going to do a report on Olympic athletes in the pandemic at the site. Accompanied by the reporting team, when he arrived on the scene, he was met by the club's deputy director of communications, Ana Paula […]

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The loud silence of the traditional media in Chile

"When the mass media advertise themselves, they affirm that they arrive first with the news or that they tell what others are silent about. Instead, they pay little attention to an element that is very present today: the trust they generate in readers. Based on ongoing academic research on news circulation patterns, this column reports […]

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I/A Court HR asks the State of Colombia to protect the lives of Jineth Bedoya and her mother

"The Inter-American Court of Human Rights issued a resolution to adopt provisional measures in the Bedoya Lima and another v. Colombia Case, by virtue of which the Colombian State is ordered to immediately implement all the necessary measures to protect the life and personal integrity of the alleged victims Jineth Bedoya Lima and Luz Nelly […]

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In Argentina, protesters violently enter Río Negro newsroom, destroy building and attack staff

"The Association of Argentine Journalistic Entities (Adepa) strongly repudiates the violent attacks and intimidations by protesters from the Central of Workers of Argentina (CTA-Autónoma) at the newspaper Río Negro, in General Roca, that occurred midday [March 23], and demands judicial investigation of the incident, as well as the punishment of those responsible. The aggressors forcibly […]

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Peruvian presidential candidate files trademark complaint against journalist and Penguin Random House

"On March 11, [César Acuña Peralta], a former mayor, governor, and congressman who is running for president in Peru’s April 11 election, filed a trademark infringement complaint to stop sales of [Christopher] Acosta’s book, Money Like Popcorn: Secrets, Impunity, and the Fortune of César Acuña, according to news reports and Acosta, who spoke to CPJ […]

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Mexican journalist Jorge Molontzín missing in Sonora since March 10

"[Jorge Molontzín Centlal] a reporter with the magazine Confidencial, went missing on March 10 while he was driving near the municipality of Santa Ana, in the northern state of Sonora, according to a statement published by Confidencial on March 17. Confidencial editor José Alfredo Gaston Gastelum told CPJ in a phone interview that he last […]

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Cuban regime prohibits journalist Karla María Pérez González from entering the island

"Journalist Karla María Pérez González, who was expelled from the journalism degree at the Central University of Las Villas in 2017, was prevented from traveling to Cuba this Thursday [March 18] by the immigration authorities of the Cuban regime. [...] This is the first time that Pérez González has tried to return to the island, […]