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Final days at El Carabobeño: The story of the disappearance of print media in Venezuela

"In the last eight years, the print versions of 100 media have disappeared as a result of the shortage of newsprint in Venezuela and state regulations. This is the story of El Carabobeño, a newspaper that was printed for 83 years, and now only can be read digitally."   Read original article (in Spanish)

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New forms of judicial harassment against journalists in Latin America

"Journalists from Latin America warned about the use of new forms of judicial harassment –among them the Lawfare theory– by certain political sectors against journalism in the region. The most serious example was when on Tuesday [June 22] the 'justice' of the Daniel Ortega regime in Nicaragua raided the home of investigative journalist Carlos Fernando […]

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Third Nicaraguan journalist goes into exile this week due to escalation of Ortega repression

"Nicaraguan journalist Julio López, of the Onda Local digital portal, reported this Thursday [June 24] that he has gone into exile after learning that he had immigration retention and that he would be cited for a case of alleged money laundering for which the nonprofit directed by opposition leader Cristiana Chamorro, daughter of former president […]

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Latin American outlets analyze 50 years of the war on drugs

"Latin America suffered some of the most severe effects of [the war on drugs]. Now, a half century to the day after that offensive was announced, a team of journalists in the region have joined together to launch the collaborative project, Una guerra adictiva, or “An Addictive War” through which they aim to expose the […]

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ICFJ and IJNet invite journalists to respond to survey on journalism with a gender perspective

What can journalism do to promote gender equality? The Global Health Crisis Reporting Forum, of the International Center for Journalists (ICJF) and the International Network of Journalists (IJNet), seek to collect general data through a brief survey in order to plan its next programs or activities.   Access survey (in Spanish)

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Four journalists threatened with death in Córdoba, Colombia

"The Ombudsman's Office and the Montería Journalists' Circle rejected the threats against journalists Rafael Gómez, Édgar Astudillo, Organis Cuadrado and Rafael Moreno, who have been covering news about public order in Alto Sinú and San Jorge, where there are presence of groups outside the law. Rafael Gómez and Édgar Astudillo were threatened with death through […]

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Before his murder, Mexican journalist was using RSF to beg authorities for protection

"The director of the Noticias Minuto a Minuto news website and Panorama Pacífico TV in the southern state of Oaxaca, Gustavo Sánchez Cabrera was in close contact with RSF in the weeks prior to his death. A specialist in covering local politics, crime and court cases, he knew another attack against him was imminent and […]

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Annoyed, Bolsonaro offends Globo reporter and talks about 'scoundrel' media

"This Monday (June 21, 2021) [Brazilian] President Jair Bolsonaro got angry and verbally attacked reporter Laurene Santos, from TV Vanguarda, an affiliate of Globo in São Paulo. The president told the journalist to 'shut up' and stated that Globo does 'scoundrel journalism' after being questioned about wearing a mask and about the fine received for […]

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Miguel Mendoza is the second journalist jailed in Nicaragua

"On the night of June 21, the Nicaraguan police arrested the sports journalist Miguel Ángel Mendoza Urbina. The government of Daniel Ortega confirmed his arrest on a press release which expressed that the journalist is investigated for: 'Carrying out acts that undermine independence, sovereignty, and self-determination, inciting foreign interference in internal affairs, requesting military interventions, […]

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Journalist Carlos F. Chamorro confirms he left Nicaragua for the second time

"Journalist and director of CONFIDENCIAL and Esta Semana, Carlos Fernando Chamorro, confirmed that he left Nicaragua for the second time, after the National Police raided his home on the night of this Monday, June 21. 'My wife Desirée Elizondo and I left Nicaragua to protect our freedom. Doing journalism and reporting the truth is not […]