"As in the rest of the world, trust in news in Latin America has declined in recent years. But survey data from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Mexico show that trust levels vary significantly from one national context to another and can relate to a variety of phenomena, from the shortcomings of journalism itself to social unrest […]
“Representatives of the Attorney General's Office detained the former governor of Puebla, Mario Marín, at an address in Acapulco, Guerrero. [...] The arrest warrant against the former governor is for the alleged crime of torture to the detriment of journalist Lydia Cacho and was issued by the first Unitary Court in Quintana Roo, with which […]
"The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ernesto Araújo, defended on Monday (Feb. 1) the attitude of [Brazilian] President Jair Bolsonaro, who last week told reporters to shove cans of condensed milk up their behind when asked about the federal government spending of R$ 1.8 billion on food and beverages in 2020." Read original article
"The emergence of small digital initiatives in Brazil in recent years has helped to fill spaces lacking the presence of local journalism, the so-called news deserts, as the number of print outlets has shrunk significantly, according to the most recent survey by Atlas da Notícia (News Atlas). All regions recorded 1. a decrease in total […]
"El surgimiento de pequeñas iniciativas digitales en Brasil en los últimos años ayudó a reducir los espacios que carecían de la presencia del periodismo local, los llamados desiertos de noticias, a medida que el número de medios impresos se encogían significativamente, de acuerdo a la más reciente investigación de Atlas da Notícia. Todas las regiones […]
"The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) considered that the judicial harassment against the investigative journalist Dayanna Monroy in Ecuador is 'an act of intimidation that undermines press freedom.' The entity requested protection measures for the reporter of Teleamazonas channel 'in the face of the threats received' and that the facts 'be investigated and concrete measures […]
"La Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (SIP) consideró que el acoso judicial de la que es víctima la periodista investigativa Dayanna Monroy es 'un acto de intimidación que socava la libertad de prensa'. La entidad solicitó medidas de protección para la periodista, del canal Teleamazonas, de Ecuador, 'ante las amenazas recibidas' y que 'se investigue y […]
"The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), Folha de S.Paulo and the Museum of Immigration inaugurate this Wednesday (Jan. 3) the photographic exhibit Quem conta essa história: jornalistas refugiados ou refugiados jornalistas? (Who tells the story: refugee journalists or journalist refugees?) Composed of photos, texts and audiovisual resources, the exhibit relays the reasons for the forced displacement, the […]
“The non-governmental Nicaraguan Center for Human Rights (Cenidh, for its acronym in Spanish) denounced this Saturday [Jan. 30] the destruction of a headquarters of the digital media outlet Confidencial, critical of the president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, in the context of the socio-political crisis that the Central American country has experienced since 2018. 'Knowing that […]
“The podcast devised by journalists Carolina Guerrero and Daniel Alarcón tells everyday stories from Mexico to Argentina. [...] ‘Latin Americans, although this is how migrants are seen in the United States, we are not a community as such. An anti-Chavista Venezuelan in Miami and a Chicano activist in Phoenix have nothing in common. That they […]
"On Jan. 27, starting at around 3:30 p.m. internet access was shut down on the island for approximately two hours, according to news reports and several local journalists posting on Twitter. To get around the shutdown, journalists use VPNs, according to one local reporter who spoke to CPJ via messaging app on the condition of anonymity, citing security concerns. The shutdown […]
"The Association of Journalists of El Salvador (APES, for its acronym in Spanish) presented this Friday [Jan. 29] its annual report on freedom of expression in El Salvador, corresponding to 2020. It mentions an increase in attacks and digital harassment of journalists who question government officials. On the other hand, in 2020 there were 125 […]