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IACHR grants precautionary measures in favor of journalist Ricardo Calderón Villegas in Colombia

"On Jan. 14, 2021, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) issued Resolution 6/2021, by which it granted precautionary protection measures in favor of Ricardo Calderón Villegas, after considering that he is in a serious and urgent situation of risk of irreparable damage to his rights in Colombia. According to the request, Mr. Calderón is […]

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Cuban journalists were victims of 234 acts of repression in 2020, according to APLP

"Journalists were victims of 234 acts of repression, 80 more than the year before. [...] The maneuvers of the Political Police against independent journalists were carried out in ten provinces and included different types of attacks: arrests, interrogations, house raids, application of Decree 370, physical aggression, threats of different characteristics, defamation in official media, evictions, […]

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Acquittal of Mexican journalist Carmen Olsen is 'an achievement for freedom of expression'

“Journalist Carmen Olsen was acquitted of the prison sentence against her for the crime of 'outrages against authority,' which is an achievement for freedom of expression and a setback to the use of this type of penalty to criminalize journalism. The journalist was notified of the resolution determined by the Fourth Criminal Chamber in Mexicali, […]

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National Association of Journalists documented 355 attacks on the Venezuelan press in 2020

"The National Association of Journalists [CNP, for its acronym in Spanish], Caracas section, documented 355 attacks on the [Venezuelan] press in 2020, including 61 arbitrary detentions and the blocking of 15 web pages. [...] The CNP indicated that there were 51 physical attacks, 34 threats, 23 deletions of material, 6 seizures of equipment, 4 seizures […]

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Judge rules raid on media house in Trinidad unconstitutional

"A police raid on a media house in March last year has been deemed unconstitutional by the court. Justice Frank Seepersad held on Wednesday that the two search warrants obtained by the police for the Trinidad Express newspaper in search of information which could lead them to a journalist’s source were “plainly irregular”, unlawful, and […]

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Judge rules raid on media house in Trinidad unconstitutional

"A police raid on a media house in March last year has been deemed unconstitutional by the court. Justice Frank Seepersad held on Wednesday that the two search warrants obtained by the police for the Trinidad Express newspaper in search of information which could lead them to a journalist’s source were “plainly irregular”, unlawful, and […]

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Journalist has cell phone broken by police during operation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

"An intense shootout in Complexo do Alemão [in Rio de Janeiro], in the area known as Area 5, frightens residents, who report shots since 8 a.m. this Wednesday (01/13). The armored police vehicle (Caveirão) went on towards the region known as Fazendinha and the intense shooting continues. Cinematographic reporter Renato Moura followed the police raid […]

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Judge grants preventive measure to minor who allegedly participated in murder of Colombian journalist

"In recent days, the Attorney General's Office reported the apprehension of a minor who is allegedly the perpetrator of the murder of journalist Felipe Guevara and who was charged with the crimes of aggravated homicide and manufacturing, trafficking and carrying firearms or ammunition. The minor did not accept his responsibility in the events and a […]

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IAPA launches call for 2021 scholarships

"The Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) Scholarship Commission invites journalists from the Americas to apply for its Scholarship Program for postgraduate studies. The scholarships consist of a stipend of up to US $ 10,000 thousand, in addition to travel expenses. Since 1954, the IAPA has awarded scholarships to more than 400 journalists in the Americas." Read […]

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Investigative site Repórter Brasil targeted by digital attacks demanding removal of reports

"Repórter Brasil has been the target of a series of attacks in the last few days that managed to take its website (reporterbrasil.org.br) offline. Attackers threaten to continue criminal action if reports are not deleted." Read original article (in Portuguese)