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Peruvian wins 2020 Young Journalist Award from the Thomson Foundation

"Martín Leandro Camacho has always been passionate about being compassionate. The 27-year-old spent the formative periods of his childhood in a small fishing village callas Cancas, in northern Peru. 'I loved the seat and its legends,' he says, recalling his early years. 'But from a young age, I could clearly see injustices all around me.'" […]

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El País announces winners of the Ortega y Gasset Journalism Awards

Winners from across Latin America were recognized as part of the El País 2020 Ortega y Gasset Journalism Awards. Collaborative project "Transnacionales de la fe" (Transnationals of the Faith), which was reported journalists from 16 media outlets, won for best story or journalistic investigation. Best photograph went to María de Jesús Peters for a photo […]

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8th edition of Festival Gabo begins on Nov. 30 with virtual and free programming

"The eighth edition of the Gabo Festival will be held virtually from Nov. 30 to Dec. 11, 2020. All programming is virtual and has no cost for attendees." Read original article (in Spanish)

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Peruvian journalist receives Rory Peck Award for report on coronavirus

"On Tuesday, Peruvian journalist Guillermo Galdós won  the prestigious British Rory Peck Award, which is given each year to the best freelance reporters, for a work on Venezuelan refugees who work collecting corpses of COVID-19 victims in Lima." Read original report (in Spanish)

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Dominican Republic Association of Journalists denounces attacks by the National Police against reporters during the pandemic

"The president of the Dominican Association of Journalists (CDP, for its acronym in Spanish), Mercedes Castillo, denounced that reporters who cover the curfew have suffered attacks by police patrols. Castillo condemned police brutality, and cited the cases of San Pedro Macorís, a city in which the journalist Dulce García and host Iván Echavarría were beaten, […]

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Colombia's FLIP rejects stigmatization of journalists covering demonstrations

“FLIP rejects public figures and journalists issuing messages that link reporters who cover social protests [in Colombia] with urban militias. These generic assessments put journalists at risk, deteriorate the conditions for the development of their work and negatively impact the debate on issues of public interest. On Nov. 23, FLIP learned that [journalist] Herbin Hoyos […]

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Organizations and unions of journalists in Ecuador reject the judicialization of journalism

"Organizations and unions of journalists in Ecuador on Saturday [Nov. 21] expressed their concern over the recent court ruling against journalist Juan Sarmiento that ordered his imprisonment, after the governor of the province of Napo, Jorge Espíndola, sued him for criticizing his management. [...] The concern was given because Espíndola sued Sarmiento after [the journalist] […]

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Ortega media enrich his family, entrench his hold on Nicaragua

"Family-run media spread state propaganda while Ortega uses state spending and tax laws to squeeze rival outlets. Documents reviewed by Reuters show millions in state advertising at family broadcasters even as those channels dodge taxes." Read original article

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TeleSUR returns to screens in Argentina

"The Latin American channel TeleSUR, which has practically become a project of Cuba and Venezuela, returned this Nov. 20 to Argentine television, thanks to a decision from the government of Alberto Fernández so that the signal could be on Open Digital Television (TDA, for its acronym in Spanish) of the South American country. In 2016, […]

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Armed group attacks journalist in Veracruz, Mexico

“A group of armed men attacked a journalist for the media outlet Presente in the municipality of Poza Rica, north of Veracruz. According to what was released by the same media outlet, the communicator was traveling in a company vehicle when some men blocked his way and opened fire on him. The name of the […]