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Paraguayan journalist seeks asylum in another country after denouncing a former mayor and receiving death threats

Vicente Godoy, a Paraguayan journalist from the city of Horqueta, in the eastern region of the country, has requested asylum in another country after receiving death threats, reported the Paraguayan Society of Communicators (SCP, by its Spanish acronym). According to the organization, the threats are related to investigations published by the journalist into possible acts […]

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Venezuela: Journalist Roland Carreño and four other political prisoners released

"Political prisoner, journalist and Voluntad Popular activist, Roland Carreño, was released almost at midnight on Oct. 19, along with former congressman Juan Requesens and three other people detained for political reasons. [...] On Wednesday [Oct. 18] the United States lifted sanctions against Venezuelan oil, gas and gold, a temporary measure decided by the Treasury Department […]

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Peru: 'Freedom of expression in my region is very risky,' says journalist Manuel Calloquispe

"In a co-production of Voice of America and Latina, Peruvian journalist Manuel Calloquispe comments on the situation of freedom of expression in Madre de Dios, Peru, the region where he lives and is committed to investigating illegal mining activity." See original video Ver el video original (in Spanish)

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Argentine Academy of Journalism condemns generalized accusations against journalism

"The National Academy of Journalism (ANP, by its Spanish acronym) [of Argentina] rejected the generalized accusations of the press by presidential candidate of La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei. In the context of the electoral campaign, the institution presided by Joaquín Morales Solá questioned 'the offenses and defamations to journalism' that 'were part of the political […]

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Peruvian Transparency Court declares journalist's appeal against police appeal well-founded

"The Transparency Court [of Peru] declared the appeal filed by Pamela Huerta Bustamante, journalist of our news outlet La República, against the Peruvian National Police to be well-founded. It should be noted that Huerta Bustamante requested information about the 'Plan Abanico Verde 2023,' but said institution did not provide her with any information in this […]

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Colombia: In the midst of regional elections, attacks on journalists have increased

"Cases of violence in the days prior to Colombian regional elections continue to take place. According to information from the Electoral Observation Mission, 179 cases have been reported against candidates this electoral year, as of Sept. 29. These figures show an increase of 37.7% compared to the last regional elections, held in 2019. The Foundation […]

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Suspect responsible for the attack in attack on Mexican journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva arrested

"This Monday [Oct. 16], Mexican journalist Ciro Gómez Leyva reported on his X account the arrest of Armando Escárcega, 'El Patrón [the boss],' as the alleged mastermind of a failed attempt on his life, the night of Dec. 15, 2022. The arrest was made in the city of Delano, California. [...] Once captured, the alleged […]

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Journalist receives death threats after reporting death of businesswoman in Nayarit, Mexico

"Claudia Hernández, a journalist from the municipality of San Blas [in the Mexican state of Nayarit], reported on social media that she received threats after documenting and reporting the disappearance and death of the businesswoman [Angela Louise Birkenbach, on Oct. 11]. Hernández posted that a person whom she intends to denounce to the state Attorney […]

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Guatemalan appeals court overturns conviction of journalist José Rubén Zamora and orders new trial

"An appeals court in Guatemala ruled on Thursday [Oct. 12] to overturn the sentence dictated in June against journalist José Rubén Zamora Marroquín and ordered a retrial. Last June, Zamora was sentenced to six years in prison for an alleged crime of money laundering. The court's decision against the founder of elPeriódico newspaper came before […]

Winners announced for Vladimir Herzog Awards, most traditional honor for human rights and journalism in Brazil

"The organization of the Vladimir Herzog Amnesty and Human Rights Award announced the winners of its 45th edition this Tuesday (Oct. 10). The judging session was held at Espaço Vladimir Herzog, at the Journalists Union of São Paulo, with broadcast live on social media. The awards ceremony will be on Oct. 24, at 8pm, at […]