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Nine arrested for murder of journalist María Elena Ferral in Mexico in 2020

"In the Zero Impunity report this Tuesday [June 13], the undersecretary of Security and Citizen Protection [of Mexico], Luis Rodríguez Bucio, highlighted the 30-year prison sentence to Nicasio N, for the intentional homicide of journalist María Elena Ferral Hernández on March 30, 2020. During President Andrés Manuel López Obrador's morning conference, the former general commander […]

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Renowned journalist kidnapped for a few hours in Haiti

"A well-known Haitian journalist was kidnapped from her home and hours later was freed by one of the dangerous gangs operating in Port-au-Prince. Marie Lucie Bonhomme Opont, a journalist for Radio Vision 2000, was kidnapped at 3:00 a.m. on June 13 at her residence in the Tabarre neighborhood, northeast of the Haitian capital, by the […]

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Brazilian court decision to uphold censorship against Aos Fatos agency is 'judicial harassment,' say organizations

"Jurists and journalism defense entities qualified this Monday [June 12] as a restriction on press freedom the decision by the Rio Grande do Sul Court of Justice (TJ-RS, by its Portuguese acronym) to maintain censorship against [the agency] Aos Fatos at the request of Jornal da Cidade Online - a site that is being investigated […]

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Gabo Foundation announces the 50 nominees for the Gabo Prize 2023

"The Gabo Foundation, an institution created by journalist and Nobel Prize in Literature Gabriel García Márquez, announced the 50 nominees for the eleventh edition of the Gabo Award, the most important journalism recognition in Spanish and Portuguese. The list of nominees is made up of 10 works in each of the five categories of the […]

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Guatemalan court sentences journalist José Rubén Zamora to six years in prison on money laundering charges

"A Guatemalan court sentenced journalist José Rubén Zamora to six years in prison on Wednesday [June 14] for the crime of money laundering, which the editor of the newspaper elPeriódico has denied throughout his year-long trial. The court decided to acquit Zamora of the other two charges against him, which were blackmail and influence peddling, […]

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Another suspension in the trial of Guatemalan journalist Norma Sancir's attackers denounced

"Nine years have passed since journalist Norma Sancir was arrested by the National Civil Police (PNC, by its Spanish acronym) and jailed for five days while covering a community protest in Camotán, Chiquimula [Guatemala]. Three agents and a commissioner are now being prosecuted for abuse of authority. The defense has maintained a strategy of delaying […]

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Honduras: Suspected murderer of journalist and Indigenous leader Pablo Hernandez captured

"After several weeks of investigation and demands for justice, the National Police identified and captured the person allegedly responsible for the death of journalist and Indigenous leader Pablo Isabel Hernández. The detainee is a 22-year-old man, a native and resident of the village of Guanajulque, in the municipality of San Marcos de Caiquín, in the […]

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13 Latin Americans join Reuters Institute's climate journalism network

"13 Latin American journalists joined the fourth cohort of the Oxford Climate Journalism Network that will run from July to December 2023. Journalists from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Mexico are some of the participating nationalities. The Oxford Climate Journalism Network (OCJN) is a programme of the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism at the […]

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Guatemala: Prosecutor's Office builds third case against journalist José Rubén Zamora

"Just two days before the verdict in the trial against him, on charges of money laundering and other crimes, journalist José Rubén Zamora was summoned for a third criminal case in which the Special Prosecutor's Office against Impunity (FECI, for its Spanish acronym) charged him with the crime of continuous use of false documents. The […]

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Nicaragua: Journalist Victor Ticay found guilty of 'undermining national integrity' for covering religious event

"Courts in the service of the Ortega-Murillo regime have declared journalist Victor Ticay guilty of the bogus crimes of 'spreading fake news' and 'undermining the national integrity,' attorney Braulio Abarca, with the Nicaragua Nunca + [Never Again Nicaragua] Human Rights Collective informed. The journalist was taken to the Managua court complex in the early hours […]