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Accusations of Russian Embassy in Colombia against W Radio threaten freedom of expression, Prisa Media says

"Prisa Media [...] expressed Friday [May 26] its rejection to a press release in which the Russian Embassy in Colombia accuses W Radio for not 'drawing a clear line between freedom of opinion and flirting with the ideology of terrorism.' The reason for the embassy's statement was an interview conducted by the radio station with […]

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Mexico: Journalist's home is shot at for the second time in less than two months

"Five days after the murder of journalist Marco Aurelio Ramírez Hernández, on May 23 in Tehuacán [in the Mexican state of Puebla], early this Sunday [May 28] armed individuals opened fire against the home of reporter Pedro Alonso Benítez, located in the community of Santa Catarina Hueyatzacoalco, in the municipality of San Martín Texmelucan [in […]

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Two suspects identified in murder of Mexican journalist Marco Aurelio Ramírez

The Attorney General's Office of the State of Puebla informed this Thursday [May 25] that it identified two people allegedly involved in the murder of journalist Marco Aurelio Ramírez that took place on Tuesday [May 23] in the municipality of Tehuacán [in Mexico]. In a press conference, state prosecutor Gilberto Higuera Bernal said that he […]

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Bolsonaro ordered to pay damages for attacks on journalists

"A São Paulo court confirmed on Thursday [May 25] a sentence against former Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro (2019-2022), accused of causing collective moral damage to the the journalists' professional group. The 4th Chamber of Private Law of the Court of Justice upheld the decision of the first instance, which, in June 2022, ruled in favor […]

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IAPA announces search for new executive director

"Inter American Press Association (IAPA) President Michael Greenspon announced today [May 24] that the organization is beginning a transition in its leadership following the announcement of the retirement plan of its executive director, Ricardo Trotti, after 31 years of service. 'We have been fortunate to have Ricardo's leadership for three decades. He has been instrumental […]

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Colombian journalist Jineth Bedoya asks Jurisdiction for Peace to open macro case on sexual violence

"Colombian journalist Jineth Bedoya asked this Wednesday (May 24) the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP, by its Spanish acronym) to open a macro case on sexual violence and that a special intelligence group be created to combat human trafficking and sexual exploitation in Cartagena de Indias. (...) In October 2021, the Inter-American Court of Human […]

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Journalist Marco Aurelio Ramírez is murdered in the Mexican state of Puebla

“The journalist and former municipal official, Marco Aurelio Ramírez Hernández, was shot to death this Tuesday [May 23] in the city of Tehuacán, state of Puebla, central Mexico, the third so far in 2023, defense organizations of freedom of expression said. Ramírez Hernández, 69, was shot at when he was traveling in his car after […]

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Nicaraguan Prosecutor’s Office accuses journalist Víctor Ticay of treason and cybercrime

“On May 19, prosecutors accused Víctor Ticay, a correspondent for the Nicaraguan TV station Canal 10, of treason and cybercrime, according to multiple news reports. He has been held at a police station in Managua, the capital, since he was arrested while covering an Easter celebration on April 6. [...] Those news reports said that […]

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Chilean journalist Víctor Herrero fined in criminal defamation case

“On Monday, May 22, a criminal court in the capital city of Santiago [Chile] sentenced [Víctor] Herrero, editor of the independent news website Interferencia, on defamation charges and ordered him to pay the legal costs of the trial and a fine of 126,000 Chilean pesos (US $157), according to news reports, a report by his […]

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Venezuelan journalist claims judge threatened to arrest her

"Journalist Sebastiana Barráez denounced that a judge threatened to arrest her for reporting on the case of the Venezuelan ambassador to Equatorial Guinea, who has filed a lawsuit for the custody of his children. In videos uploaded to her social media, the Venezuelan journalist pointed out that the threats come from Judge Jorge Luis Devenish […]