
Peruvian congressman denies attempted bribery of journalist and affirms that he only wanted to invite him to lunch

“Puno journalist Liubomir Fernández denounced that the Popular Action congressman, Jorge Luis Flores Ancachi, tried to bribe him with a 100-soles bill [about US $ 25] to stop interviewing his colleague from the party and also elected by Puno, Carlos Cevallos.

'He gave me a handshake and he was passing me 100 soles and in that act I forcefully rejected that attitude of the congressman, and what I did was immediately take out my cell phone and reprimand him on the spot for his attitude of trying to bribe me [.. .] so that he no longer looks for Mr. Carlos Cevallos to interview him on different topics, but rather looks for him,' the press professional told RPP Noticias."

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