
Aggressions against Peruvian women journalists account for 70% of digital attacks against the press

  • Source: EFE
  • May 4, 2023

"Seventy-one percent of digital attacks against journalists have been directed against women in recent months in Peru. The most common forms of offense against them were stereotypes and judgments based on their appearance, according to a study conducted using artificial intelligence by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

Released on International Press Freedom Day [May 3], this report analyzed more than 1,000 anti-media publications and concluded that one in ten attacks used gender-based violence 'with the aim of disqualifying victims' opinions and excluding them from the political conversation'.

As for men, they also suffered gender-based violence. The terms used in the attacks jokingly questioned their sexuality and their 'wrong way' of exercising masculinity."

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