
Reporter Nelson Matus is shot to death in Acapulco, Mexico

"Crime reporter Nelson Matus Peña, 42, was shot to death Saturday afternoon [July 15] in Acapulco, Mexico. Matus Peña was the editor of the news portal Lo Real de Guerrero. He was also a photojournalist for the now defunct Revista Alarma, the newspaper El Alarmante and the news platform Agora Guerrero.


Matus is the third journalist to be shot dead during the current administration of [Guerrero state governor] Evelyn Salgado. The first was Fredid Román, [who was shot] on August 22, 2022 near his offices in [the state capital] Chilpancingo. And last May 12, [journalist] Gerardo Torres Rentería was attacked and killed at his home in the Icacos neighborhood of Acapulco."

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