
Salvadoran Journalists' Association urges government to guarantee press can cover Bukele's second inauguration

  • Source: APES
  • May 31, 2024

"The Salvadoran Journalists' Association (APES, for its acronym in Spanish) expresses its deep concern about the restrictions imposed on the Salvadoran press for journalistic coverage of the official event on June 1, where Nayib Bukele will consummate his unconstitutional re-election. The journalist accreditation process has been slow, opaque and, in many cases, communication professionals have been deliberately prevented from registering to cover the event. Previously approved accreditations have even been revoked.


APES has a record of seven (7) journalists who were unable to obtain accreditation because their request was denied. There have been cases in which journalists have demanded to review the denial of the credential and, on at least two occasions, the APES has been able to verify that the accreditation was approved after an initial denial."

Read original release (in Spanish)