
The thousands of stories of Latin America play here: Radio Ambulante turns ten

“The podcast devised by journalists Carolina Guerrero and Daniel Alarcón tells everyday stories from Mexico to Argentina.


‘Latin Americans, although this is how migrants are seen in the United States, we are not a community as such. An anti-Chavista Venezuelan in Miami and a Chicano activist in Phoenix have nothing in common. That they both have the last name Gutiérrez does not mean much,' says Daniel Alarcón, writer and university professor, in addition to his work here. Born in Peru, he grew up in the southern United States, in the state of Alabama. Radio Ambulante was born out of a passion for radio that united him with the Colombian Guerrero, also a migrant in the northern country. They both live in New York. 'Latinos in the United States can be a Colombian who moves to New York for a Master's degree or a granddaughter of Mexicans who grew up in Los Angeles,' Alarcón summarizes. 'A lot of gringos listen to us to learn Spanish, but also Latinos who are doing the same, maybe they talk a little with their grandparents, and the podcast helps them stay connected with their roots.'"

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