
UNESCO holds Regional Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean on April 30

  • Source: UNESCO
  • April 29, 2021

"The Regional Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean 'Promotion of information as a common good' will be held tomorrow, April 30, within the framework of the global event organized by UNESCO in commemoration of World Press Freedom Day. 2021. The latter includes a program of activities that will begin on April 30 and end on May 3. The global program can be viewed here. The program of the Regional Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean is here.

Registration must be made at the unique link of the global event, this will facilitate your participation in all the activities of the World Day, including the Regional Forum for ALyC.

Please remember that the Regional Forum 'Promotion of information as a common good' will take place on Friday, April 30, 2021 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. (Uruguay time), in Spanish/English, which you can access from the virtual platform of the global event (once you have registered)."