"The charismatic Argentine journalist Jorge Lanata died this Monday [Dec. 30, 2024] in Buenos Aires at the age of 64. Considered one of the most provocative and creative journalists in the recent history of Argentina, Lanata was the founder of five magazines and two newspapers, wrote fiction and history books, made films and documentaries, and […]
“This morning [Dec. 8], in a hospital in Guatemala City, journalist and writer Luis Antonio Aceituno Solórzano, cultural editor of [the independent media outlet] eP Investiga, died. Aceituno had been under observation for a heart condition and this morning doctors confirmed that his heart had stopped beating. The Guatemalan journalist, editor and writer dedicated his […]
"Nearing it's 200th anniversary, [Brazilian] newspaper Diario de Pernambuco has had its journalistic collection recognized as cultural heritage of Brazil by Law 15,027 of 2024. The law was sanctioned by the President of the Republic, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, and published in the Diário Oficial da União (DOU) this Tuesday (Nov. 19). Founded in […]
"The site Periodistas en el cine (Journalists in the movies), a project created by journalists Federico Poore and Manuel Barrientos, is dedicated to exhaustively reflecting the representation of journalism on the big screen. Based on previous work, their own research and data from national film libraries, the site offers an interactive database that allows you […]
"The world of sport, especially [Brazilian] sports journalism, suffered a severe blow between the night of this Wednesday (May 15) and the morning of this Thursday (May 16). In less than 24 hours, three major references in the profession passed away. Washington Rodrigues, or Apolinho, aged 87, Antero Grecco, aged 69, and Silvio Luiz, aged […]
"This Wednesday (April 3), the Amnesty Committee of the Chamber of Deputies in Brasília unanimously approved the recognition of Clarice Herzog as a political amnesty. The widow of journalist Vladimir Herzog, tortured and killed on Oct. 25, 1975 by agents of the former DOI-CODI (Department of Information Operations - Center for Internal Defense Operations) in […]
For World Radio Day 2024, UNESCO’s theme “shines a broad floodlight on Radio’s remarkable past, relevant present and promise of a dynamic future” of one of the “the most dependable and widely utilized forms of media in the world.” In her message on Feb. 13, the date on which the day is commemorated, the Director […]