“[Argentine] President Javier Milei attacked the press again on Friday [Aug. 16] and defended attacks against journalists by his followers on social media. 'Freedom of expression is for everyone and not just for journalists,' Milei said in an extensive post on social media. 'Deep down [journalists are] very brave for slandering, but very weak when […]
On Aug. 12, 2024, the official inauguration of the La Casa para el Periodismo Libre (The House for Free Journalism) was held at the National Museum of San José, in Costa Rica. La Casa is an initiative of DW Academie and its local partner in Costa Rica, the Institute for the Press and Freedom of […]
"This Thursday [Aug. 8], the House of Representatives of Uruguay approved a new media law with a controversial article on the 'impartiality' of information that, as expected, was vetoed hours later by President Luis Lacalle Pou. [...] Article 72 established 'the duty to provide citizens with information, analysis, opinions, comments and assessments in a complete, […]
“The Legal Defense Network, composed of the Nicaragua Nunca Más Human Rights Collective and the Independent Journalists and Communicators of Nicaragua (PCIN), presented its report for the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) in its fourth cycle, highlighting the closure of 49 media outlets and at least 18,869 assaults on press freedom between 2019 and 2023. […] […]
"A court in Bogota ruled against the Colombian government for the police's detention and torture of journalist Manuel Santiago López, while he was covering the national strike of 2021 in Duitama, Boyacá. El Espectador reports. The state, the Ministry of Defense, and the National Police face an economic penalty. However, Santiago López told El Espectador […]
"'We denounce the illegal and arbitrary use of anti-terrorism laws in Venezuela, especially against journalists and photojournalists detained during the post-election protests in the country,' the [National Union of Press Workers] SNTP said in a statement posted on its social networks. Photojournalists Yousner Alvarado (Barinas, west) and Deisy Peña (Miranda, center), cameraman Paúl León (Trujillo, […]
“The highest number of violations against civil liberties in Cuba in July were related to access to digital space, amounting to 46 restrictions, according to the the Cuban Institute for Freedom of Expression and Press (ICLEP, for its acronym in Spanish). [...] The 101 incidents recorded by the entity, whose main headquarters is in Miami, […]
“[On July 8, Uruguay's] Chamber of Deputies approved the law on the Regulation of Audiovisual Content Broadcasting Services, commonly known as the media law, with 50 out of 91 votes. [...] In the middle of the discussion for the approval of the text there were tensions due to an article on the 'impartiality' of the […]
“A raid by state security forces has been reported at the headquarters of El Caroreño newspaper in the city of Carora, Lara state. Media outlet VPITv reported through its social networks that 'according to the director of the web portal, Mario Sosa, officials from Conas [National Anti-Extortion and Abduction Command, for its acronym in Spanish] […]
"Brazilian reporter Verônica Dalcanal, who works as a correspondent for EBC (Empresa Brasileira de Comunicação) at the Olympic Games in Paris, said she was a victim of harassment on Saturday (Aug. 3, 2024). Verônica recounted that she was in the Olympic Village, where a significant portion of the athletes stay during the Games, doing a […]
The Venezuelan newspaper Última Hora announced this Friday, August 2, the closure of its operations in response to threats issued by Portuguesa state Governor Primitivo Cedeño, an ally of President Nicolás Maduro. In a statement published on its website, the newspaper's editorial staff says the decision was made to protect its employees. "In the face […]
"Journalist Iván Núñez and a team from the Chilean public broadcaster TVN, were detained and will be deported from Venezuela amid the protests following the presidential elections held last weekend in that country. Venezuela’s National Electoral Council declared Nicolás Maduro the winner for a third term, despite the results being questioned for their lack of […]