"Four months ago, Agência Pública was forced by the Court to remove from its site a report published in June 2023 about the president of the [Brazilian] Chamber of Deputies Arthur Lira. Now, in a new attack from the deputy's defense, the Court forced two more pieces of content that echoed the report to be […]
“Judge Aurora Gutiérrez, of the Fifth Criminal Court [of Guatemala], ruled that the case being pursued against six journalists and two columnists from the defunct newspaper elPeriódico cannot continue to be resolved through criminal proceedings and now a Printing Court must hear the case, as stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic. The defense of […]
"Some 408 media outlets have closed in Venezuela in the last 20 years as a result of a long trend of the closure of information spaces and free exercise of journalism in the oil country, and the most affected have been radio stations. The non-governmental organization (NGO) Espacio Público points out when presenting the data […]
"The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) condemned the espionage of journalists in Peru, ordered by the authority of the Attorney General's Office with the intention of criminalizing the press, according to reports published in the local press. […] Journalist and editor with La República newspaper, César Romero, and his family, as well as columnist and […]
"The ABI (Brazilian Press Association, for its acronym in Portuguese) issued a statement this Saturday (Dec. 30) classifying as intimidation an investigation opened by the PF (Federal Police) against journalist Breno Altman for criticizing Israel. The investigation into Altman, who is an editor of the site Opera Mundi, was revealed by Brasil 247. The journalist […]
On the night of Thursday, Jan. 4, the Argentine Journalism Forum (FOPEA, for its acronym in Spanish) published a serious statement on social networks rejecting the attitudes of presidential spokesperson for Javier Milei's government, Manuel Adorni. According to Argentine media, Adorni had responded sarcastically to journalist Fabián Waldman, from radio FM La Patriada, earlier that […]
"The Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) expresses its concern over the sentences that condemned Brazilian journalist Schirlei Alves to prison and payment of civil damages for defamation, after publishing a report critical of judicial action in a case of sexual violence in Brazil. The Special Rapporteur […]
“During the year 2023, Ecuador has experienced an alarming escalation of violence. Fundamedios has recorded 265 attacks this year, which have affected 343 journalists, media outlets, candidates, civil society organizations and activists. Attacks perpetrated by organized crime increased 870% compared to 2020, and 240% compared to 2022. Along these lines, threats represented 15% of total […]
“The use of internet shutdowns by authoritarian regimes has emerged globally as a serious threat to freedom of expression. While commonly seen as rare in Latin America, a closer look reveals a different reality. Organisations and experts are increasingly noting various nuances and contexts in methods to interfere with internet access that are important to understand in order to identify and […]
"In 2022, Latin America was the most dangerous region in the world to practice journalism. According to different NGO data, between 30 and 42 journalists were killed in that year. Although there are still no official figures for 2023, the picture is not very different: UNESCO states that 69 journalists from ten countries were killed […]
"Venezuelan journalist and executive director of the Press and Society Institute of Venezuela (Ipys-Venezuela), Marianela Balbi, is one of the 12 people in the world to receive the 2023 Franco-German Prize for Human Rights and the Rule of Law. The governments of Germany and France announced the list of those who will receive this award, […]
Article 19 Mexico denounced a smear campaign against independent journalist Reyna Haydee Ramírez in response to her questioning of Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador during his morning press conference on Dec. 13. According to the freedom of expression organization, the journalist received a series of coordinated digital attacks after her questions to the president. […]