"The Association of Journalists of La Paz (APLP, by its Spanish acronym) reported on Nov. 24, based on data collected by the Observatory of Human Rights Defenders UNITAS, that there were 167 violations of press freedom in the country so far this year, which exceeds the 73 recorded in all of 2021. Among the transgressions […]
"The Association of Journalists of El Salvador (APES, for its Spanish acronym) fears for reporters in that country and has already taken preventive measures. For this reason, a group of 10 journalists left El Salvador to continue investigating gang-related issues, without suffering reprisals or future criminal charges. The law that punishes with 15 years in […]
"The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) disapproves the conviction of the editor and a journalist of the Paraguayan newspaper ABC Color, considering that it violates Inter-American principles on freedom of the press. The organization warned of the possible chilling effect of the ruling on investigative journalism. ABC Color editor Natalia Zuccolillo and journalist Juan Carlos […]
"The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) adopted, on Nov. 15, 2022, Resolution 64/2022 by which it extended the precautionary measures in favor of journalist Katya Milady Reyes Ortiz, after considering that she is in a serious and urgent situation given the risk of irreparable harm to her rights to life and personal integrity in […]
"Independent journalist and political prisoner Lázaro Yuri Valle Roca was admitted to the Combinado del Este hospital, in Havana, due to his serious health condition. [...] [His wife Eralidis] Frómeta visited him a few days earlier in prison and said the journalist had 'something similar to tumors' in his head, with a secretion discharge. 'We […]
"Central American journalists have created the Red Centroamericana de Periodistas (Central American Journalists Network). The initiative seeks to work jointly and in a coordinated manner against authoritarianism and the challenges that it brings for freedom of expression and the exercise of independent journalism. The initiative was launched within the framework of the Central American Journalism […]
"In Mexico, a total of 562 cybercrimes of federal jurisdiction against freedom of expression have been registered in the last two and a half years. These crimes range from threats to journalists to computer attacks to take media websites down. This places cybercrimes against freedom of expression as the main incidence to digital platforms for […]
"Freedom of expression in Latin America is at risk, gripped by the murders of dozens of journalists every year, which go unpunished, according to the outgoing president of the Inter American Press Association (IAPA), the Honduran Jorge Canahuati. 'This is a very bad moment for freedom of expression in Latin America,' where 'it has regressed […]
"Professionals from Empresa Brasil de Comunicação (EBC, by its Portuguese acronym) received on Tues. Oct. 25 the Vladimir Herzog Special Award for Contribution to Journalism. The tribute celebrated the struggle in defense of public communication, under attack since 2016, when Michel Temer (MDB) took over the Federal Government after the coup against Dilma Rousseff. The […]
"The censorship of a featured story by Amazônia Real reached three months on Oct. 19. The Amazonas State Court has not given an answer to a lawsuit and two appeals filed by the independent and investigative journalism agency against the decision, considered an attack on the freedom of the press by specialized organizations and journalists […]
“On October 11, Santa Catarina’s state assembly held the first session of a Parliamentarian Commission of Investigation (CPI, by its Portuguese acronym), which is investigating The Intercept Brasil and Portal Catarinas for their joint report, published on June 20, about attempts by members of the state’s legal system to stop an 11-year-old rape survivor from […]
"Following the massive resignation of its entire team in Cuba after pressure from the Cuban government, El Toque reinvented itself to continue reflecting the reality of the island. They have used a multimedia journalistic approach and remain close to the concerns of ordinary Cubans, even if from thousands of miles away. Doing truthful and objective […]