
Violence Against Journalists

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Mother of Peruvian journalist abducted

"The mother of a reporter from the Sunday program Panorama was abducted by unknown people who are trying to intimidate the journalist, who specializes in investigating cases of corruption, the local Panamericana Televisión of Peru reported this Thursday (July 25, 2024). The media outlet noted in a statement that the abduction of journalist Iván Escudero's […]

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Nicaraguan organizations denounce disappearance of journalist Fabiola Tercero

“The Association of Independent Journalists and Communicators of Nicaragua (PCIN, for its acronym in Spanish) denounced the 'disappearance' of the journalist, Fabiola Tercero. At the same time, it expressed 'deep concern and dismay' at a new day of persecution against men and women of the press, during the last two weeks. 'PCIN has tried in […]

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Argentine journalist Pedro Brieger apologizes for 'inappropriate conduct'

“Argentine journalist Pedro Brieger, recently accused of multiple instances of sexual harassment over more than three decades, publicly apologized for what he called ‘inappropriate conduct.’ He also said that ‘thanks to long-term counseling’ he was able to stop engaging in ‘disrespectful behavior’ and that today he is ‘a changed person.’ [...] ‘I’m ready to assist […]

Nicaragua denies entry to Cuban activist and journalist Yoel Acosta Gámez

“Immigration officials in Nicaragua denied entry to the Cuban activist and independent journalist Yoel Acosta Gámez and his wife, Alisanni Lores Furones, the legal advisory group Cubalex reported on X. The activist said in a video posted by Cubalex that they bought the tickets three months in advance. They had a flight scheduled for 4 […]

Urgent appeal to UN says Guatemalan journalist José Rubén Zamora was tortured, should be freed

“The Committee to Protect Journalists supports the urgent appeal filed to U.N. officials by an international legal team on behalf of Guatemalan investigative journalist José Rubén Zamora, who the appeal says has been wrongfully imprisoned since 2022 and held in conditions ‘that amount to torture or other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.’ The appeal, sent […]

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Murderers of presidential candidate and journalist Fernando Villavicencio get 34 years in prison in Ecuador

"Five people linked to one of the largest criminal gangs in Ecuador were convicted of the murder of presidential candidate Fernando Villavicencio that happened on Aug. 9, 2023. Carlos Angulo, alleged leader of Los Lobos gang, and Laura Castilla were sentenced to 34 years and eight months in prison for leading the hit. [...] The […]

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In Mexico, two journalists shot in two days

At least two journalists were shot in the last two days in Mexico, regional outlets reported. The evening of Tuesday, July 16, unidentified gunmen fired into the home of César Guzmán, director of the digital outlet Código Rojo Cancún in the state of Quintana Roo. Guzmán was home but was not hit. He had been […]

An exiled Cuban journalist finds threats now cross borders

“The independent website El Toque thrived in Cuba during the period of relative openness surrounding the 2016 visit to the island by US president Barack Obama, during which he met with Cuban leader Raúl Castro. But rising tensions with the Trump administration, the transfer of power to a new president, Miguel Díaz-Canel, in 2019, the […]

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European Union and IACHR condemn murder of Mexican journalist Victor Morales and call for investigation related to his work

The European Union (EU) and the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression (RELE, for its acronym in Spanish) of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) separately condemned the murder of Mexican journalist Víctor Morales, whose body was found on June 28 lifeless and with signs of torture in the municipality of […]

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Venezuelan president targets two journalists and calls on public prosecutor's office to intervene

“At a rally in the city of Upata, Bolívar state [southern Venezuela], on Monday, July 15, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, rejected 'the fascist and racist actions' of journalists Orlando Avendaño and Emmanuel Rincón, and urged the Public Prosecutor's Office to take action. He criticized a campaign loaded with 'hatred, racism and classism' against the popular […]