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Bolivia’s El Deber newspaper warns of publications that are cloning its identity, affecting two journalists

“El Deber reports that fake accounts are creating posts on social media using the company’s multimedia logo. The posts use the format and font from El Deber, the newspaper reports.  In recent days, posts have circulated on social media making false claims about Amalia Pando, journalist from the program Cabildeo Digital, and Raúl Peñaranda, president […]

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Smugglers threaten reporters on border of Bolivia and Argentina

“About a hundred dockworkers who illegally import Argentine food products into Bolivia threatened, with physical attacks, about five radio reporters who reported the destruction of a state office and the attempted seizure of a military regiment on Saturday, June 22. 'As a media outlet we warn that we have no guarantees to carry out our […]

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Cyber attacks on media put press freedom in check in Bolivia

“Cyber attacks are increasingly frequent in Bolivia, to the point of affecting the right to freedoms of expression and of the press. In recent months, newspapers El Deber, Correo del Sur and the Erbol network have suffered significant attacks. The newspaper El Deber had its website hacked between Sunday night [May 5] and early Monday […]

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IACHR reports division and lack of representation in journalism in Bolivia

“In its report on its on-site visit to Bolivia in 2023, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) observed division, claims of lack of representation, accusations of bias and stigmatization in the journalism profession. On Wednesday (March 13), the organization presented its 222-page report on the on-site visit of its commissioners to Bolivia between March […]

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Former Página Siete employees file labor lawsuit against owners of defunct newspaper in Bolivia

"Former workers of the newspaper Página Siete filed a labor lawsuit against the publishing company Luna Llena, whose main shareholder is Raúl Garafulic, for the payment of social benefits, severance payments and salaries owed for seven months. According to lawyer Álvaro Vásquez, who represents the former workers, the debt amounts to one and a half […]

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Bolivian Ombudsman's Office urges authorities to solve recent attacks on journalists

“The Bolivian Ombudsman's Office asked the authorities this Wednesday [Sept. 20] to solve three recent cases of attacks against journalists in the cities of Oruro, La Paz and Santa Cruz and to guarantee freedom of the press and free expression. The Ombudsman's Office indicated that its intervention seeks to ensure that 'the corresponding authorities identify […]

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Climate Tracker and Oxfam call journalists from 9 Latin American countries to apply for workshop on climate change impact

"During two months, 30 selected journalists will participate in eight virtual meetings that will seek to highlight how climate change losses and damages are exacerbating multifaceted and interrelated problems in the region, such as climate-induced migration, population displacement, food insecurity and other factors, such as water scarcity, malnutrition and poverty. [...] For this edition, we […]

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Bolivia: Journalist suffered beating, phone theft and death threats

"Daniela Valdez, a journalist from Sucre [Bolivia], suffered beatings to her face, attempted strangulation, death threats, theft of a wedding ring and her work equipment when she was attacked by a mob while she was recording the detention of officials in a municipal office. As a result of the aggression and injuries to her face, […]

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Santa Cruz, Bolivia, registered more than 60 attacks against the press in the past 21 months, says journalists association

"On Aug. 2 of this year, the Santa Cruz Journalists Association held a sit-in in front of the (burned) building of the Departmental Prosecutor's Office, demanding that the authorities investigate and punish the perpetrators of the aggressions and threats against press workers, a sector that in 21 months suffered at least 60 aggressions. At the […]

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Bolivia registers third case of threats to journalists for coverage of drug trafficking issues

"In one week, three Bolivian journalists were threatened for reporting on drug trafficking issues. Journalistic organizations reiterated requests for the protection of those affected. [...] The journalist of the news outlet Contacto Bolivia, Priscila Quiroga, and a journalist of Red ATB were threatened through a message sent from a WhatsApp account for reporting on the […]