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TV news crew attacked while covering police inspections near Santiago de Chile

“This Thursday [July 4th], a violent attack was reported against a news team that was covering an inspection of street vendors in San Bernardo. The incident occurred in the morning when the Canal 13 team was on-site and was allegedly attacked by the street vendors. This is how journalist Delfina Gómez narrated the incident live: […]

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Chilean government wants to strengthen state channel TVN and create country's first public radio station

“During his state of the nation address – Cuenta Pública – the president of Chile, Gabriel Boric, announced that the Executive Branch will send a proposal this month to the National Congress to establish a fund for the public channel Televisión Nacional de Chile (TVN), with the aim of 'strengthening its regional centers, its cultural […]

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IACHR Special Rapporteur presents considerations after monitoring situation of freedom of expression in Chile

“The Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression (RELE, for its acronym in Spanish) of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) said that 'considerations were reiterated regarding the concentration of media, its implications for freedom of expression and the right to an informed society,' during its visit to Chile between March 18 […]

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Photojournalists from Chile, Colombia and Mexico among AP's 2024 Pulitzer-winning team for work on immigration

Six Latin American photojournalists are part of the Associated Press (AP) team that was awarded with the 2024 Pulitzer Prize in the Feature Photography category. This year's Pulitzer winners were announced this Monday, May 6. The awarded Latin American photojournalists are Fernando Llano and Iván Valencia, from Colombia; Marco Ugarte and Eduardo Verdugo, from Chile; […]

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President of Chile harshly rebuked for case of Francisca Sandoval, journalist murdered in Santiago in 2022

"This Friday, May 3, the president [of Chile] Gabriel Boric led the inauguration of the 31st World Press Freedom Day Conference at the Gabriela Mistral Cultural Center. During his speech, two of the attendees rebuked him, remembering the case of Francisca Sandoval, a reporter for Diseño 3 de La Victoria, murdered on May 1, 2022 […]

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Global press organizations sign Santiago +30 Declaration for consolidating free expression

“On the morning of Thursday, May 2, the Santiago-Chile 2024 International Media Meeting was held, an event in which the National Press Association (ANP, for its acronym in Spanish) [of Chile] served as host along with the Catholic University. The main press organizations at a global level, such as the World Association of News Publishers […]

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Chilean journalists Daniel Labbé and Josefa Barraza face criminal charges

"Chilean authorities must drop criminal charges against journalists Daniel Labbé and Josefa Barraza and ensure journalists can work without restrictions, the Committee to Protect Journalists said Thursday (April 25th). On Tuesday, Labbé, an independent journalist, was sentenced to a suspended prison term of 61 days on charges of public disorder, the journalist told CPJ by […]

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Chilean media group sues Google for 'abuse of a quasi-monopoly position' in advertising and search engine markets

“On March 7, the Copesa media conglomerate – which includes media outlets such as La Tercera and La Cuarta – filed a lawsuit against Google before the Court for the Defense of Free Competition (TDLC, for its acronym in Spanish), for 'abuse of a quasi-monopoly position' in the online search engine and digital advertising markets. […]

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On Journalists' Day, Chilean government pays tribute to journalists who disappeared and were murdered during the dictatorship

"As an act of 'memory and reparation for the victims' relatives' was how the Government described the commemoration held this Tuesday, in [the presidential palace of] La Moneda, on the occasion of Journalist's Day in Chile [celebrated on July 11]. [...] According to official information, around 230 journalists suffered political imprisonment, in addition to another […]

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Newly created official commission against disinformation in Chile raises concerns about possible censorship attempts

"The Inter American Press Association (SIP) expressed its concern about the decision of the Government of Chile to create an official commission to combat disinformation, warning it 'could fall into the temptation of establishing censorship mechanisms.' On June 20, the Official Gazette published the decree to create an Advisory Commission against Disinformation within the Ministry […]