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Three years after the murder of El Comercio journalistic team: FLIP says 'the Colombian State continues to fail the victims'

“Three years ago, Ecuadoran President Lenín Moreno confirmed the deaths of Javier Ortega, Paúl Rivas and Efraín Segarra, journalistic team of the newspaper El Comercio. During these years, the Colombian State has repeatedly failed the families of the victims. Truth, justice and reparation are absent in this case. The [Colombian] Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP, […]

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FARC dissident sentenced to 28 years in prison for the murders of team of journalists from Ecuador

"The Office of the Attorney General of the Nation [of Colombia] reported this Tuesday [March 30] that a judge has sentenced FARC dissident Jesús Vargas Cuajiboy, alias Reinel, to 28 years and eight months in prison for the abduction and murder of a journalistic team from Ecuadoran newspaper El Comercio, perpetrated on March 26, 2018. [...] […]

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Ecuadoran journalist Juan Sarmiento is free after the prescription of his sentence

“The journalist Juan Sarmiento was released this morning [Feb. 7] by the Judge of the Criminal Judicial Unit of Cantón Tena, Luis Eduardo Mendoza Chávez, after the prescription of a sentence against him. The journalist was sentenced by the Ecuadorian justice to 10 days in prison, to the payment of 25 percent of a Unified […]

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IAPA warns that judicial harassment against Ecuadorian journalist undermines press freedom

"The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) considered that the judicial harassment against the investigative journalist Dayanna Monroy in Ecuador is 'an act of intimidation that undermines press freedom.' The entity requested protection measures for the reporter of Teleamazonas channel 'in the face of the threats received' and that the facts 'be investigated and concrete measures […]

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SIP denuncia que acoso judicial contra periodista ecuatoriana socava la libertad de prensa

"La Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (SIP) consideró que el acoso judicial de la que es víctima la periodista investigativa Dayanna Monroy es 'un acto de intimidación que socava la libertad de prensa'. La entidad solicitó medidas de protección para la periodista, del canal Teleamazonas, de Ecuador, 'ante las amenazas recibidas' y que 'se investigue y […]

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Fundamedios condemns murder of broadcast journalist in Ecuador

“Ecuavisa presenter, Efraín Ruales, was murdered on the morning of Jan. 27 while he was driving from the gym he attends to his home, located in Samborondón. Fundamedios condemns this crime against a journalist and demands the authorities are forceful in their actions. Once again it is revealed that there is no security policy for […]

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Journalist Marilú Capa shot, severely injured in Ecuador

"At about 8 a.m. on January 19, in the northeastern town of Nueva Loja, an unidentified man entered a restaurant that Capa owns and shot her six times with a pistol, according to news reports, the Quito-based press freedom organization Fundamedios, and Lt. Col. Daniel Guevara, a spokesperson for the investigative police unit in Nueva […]

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Organizations and unions of journalists in Ecuador reject the judicialization of journalism

"Organizations and unions of journalists in Ecuador on Saturday [Nov. 21] expressed their concern over the recent court ruling against journalist Juan Sarmiento that ordered his imprisonment, after the governor of the province of Napo, Jorge Espíndola, sued him for criticizing his management. [...] The concern was given because Espíndola sued Sarmiento after [the journalist] […]

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‘Nos faltan 3,' a documentary about the Ecuadorian journalistic team that was abducted and murdered

"Gabriela Loja and Marisol Pesantez are the directors of the documentary 'We are missing 3,' about the abduction and murder of three Ecuadorian journalists on the Colombian border. The film opens this Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2020, at the Ochoymedio cinema, in Quito. […] This production is a historical and descriptive work of the events that […]