
Journalist Killed

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European Union and IACHR condemn murder of Mexican journalist Victor Morales and call for investigation related to his work

The European Union (EU) and the Office of the Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression (RELE, for its acronym in Spanish) of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) separately condemned the murder of Mexican journalist Víctor Morales, whose body was found on June 28 lifeless and with signs of torture in the municipality of […]

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46 journalists were killed in Mexico during Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s presidency

"During Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s six-year term, violence against the press did not stop. Instead, 3,408 attacks against journalists were reported, an increase of 62.13% compared to the administration of previous president Enrique Peña Nieto. In other words, there was an aggression against journalists every 14 hours during AMLO's six-year term. From Dec. […]

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Haiti’s Ministry of Justice dismisses prosecutor allegedly involved in the murder of journalist Garry Tesse

"The Committee to Protect Journalists welcomes the Thursday [June 27] decision by Carlos Hercule, Haiti’s Minister of Justice and Public Security, to place Ronald Richemond, the federal prosecutor of the city of Les Cayes, on leave until further notice. CPJ has reported on allegations linking Richemond to the murder of Haitian radio journalist Garry Tesse […]

Mexican journalist Victor Morales was found dead, with bullet wounds in Chiapas

"The body of journalist Víctor Morales was found lifeless on a stretch of road on the Ocozocoautla de Espinosa-Arriaga highway, near the Tierra y Libertad ejido, in the municipality of Jiquipilas, [in the Mexican state of] Chiapas.. Morales, who was 39 years old and general director of the media outlet Realidades, was found with several […]

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Community journalist murdered in Colombia's Catatumbo region, near the Venezuelan border

"Community journalist Jorge Méndez, known as 'Jeykon the leader,' was murdered this Thursday (June 27) in a rural area of the municipality of Tibú, in the Colombian department of Norte de Santander, which borders Venezuela, as reported by the Foundation for Press Freedom (FLIP). 'Jorge was well-known in the Catatumbo region because he managed the […]

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Mexico recognizes it failed to protect journalist murdered three years ago

"On the third anniversary of a news website editor’s murder, the Mexican authorities have publicly acknowledged their failure to protect him and have apologized to his family. [...] Noticias Minuto a Minuto news site editor Gustavo Sánchez Cabrera was fatally shot by gunmen while riding a motorcycle with his son near Morro de Mazatán, a […]

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40 years since murder of Mexican journalist Manuel Buendía, who revealed links between drug trafficking and power

"On May 30, 1984, Mexican journalism faced one of its darkest days: Manuel Buendía, one of Mexico's most daring and respected columnists, was murdered in cold blood in Mexico City's Zona Rosa. Four decades Later, his legacy of courage and commitment to the truth continues to be an example in a profession that continues to […]

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Seven years after murder of Mexican journalist Javier Valdez, demand for justice continues

“To mark the seventh anniversary of the murder of journalist Javier Arturo Valdez Cárdenas, his family, accompanying organizations, media and journalists, continue with the demand for justice for the atrocious crime, which occurred on May 15, 2017 in the city of Culiacán, Sinaloa, [Mexico]. [...] Currently, the legal cases against the perpetrators in Javier's homicide […]

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Haiti: Former mayor and former legislator are accused of 2019 murder of journalist Néhémie Joseph

"A former senator and a former mayor, along with five others, have been accused of murdering journalist Néhémie Joseph five years ago in a town in central Haiti. Judge Edwige Dorsainvil ordered pretrial detention for former legislator Rony Célestin, former mayor Lochard Laguerre, and Juste Chandou Clerjeune, Elionel Casséus, Angelina Fabiola Cameau, Douyon Rosevald, and […]

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President of Chile harshly rebuked for case of Francisca Sandoval, journalist murdered in Santiago in 2022

"This Friday, May 3, the president [of Chile] Gabriel Boric led the inauguration of the 31st World Press Freedom Day Conference at the Gabriela Mistral Cultural Center. During his speech, two of the attendees rebuked him, remembering the case of Francisca Sandoval, a reporter for Diseño 3 de La Victoria, murdered on May 1, 2022 […]