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Reporting scholarships expand the diversity of voices in digital outlets and create opportunities for freelancers

Much of a freelance journalist's life revolves around identifying outlets receptive to his or her story...

November 25, 2020

Bolsas de reportagem ampliam diversidade de vozes em veículos digitais e criam oportunidades para freelancers

Boa parte da vida de um jornalista freelancer gira em torno de identificar veículos receptivos a suas...

November 25, 2020

Press advocates fight against disinformation and for journalist security on World Press Freedom Day

As it has done with most things, the current COVID-19 pandemic has made its mark on the annual celebration...

May 1, 2020

Jornalistas brasileiros organizam congresso pioneiro para fortalecer jornalismo de educação no país

Um ano depois de lançar a Associação de Jornalistas de Educação (Jeduca), a organização vai promover...

June 21, 2017

Brazilian journalists host pioneering congress to strengthen education journalism in country

One year after the launch of Brazil’s Association of Education Journalists, also known as Jeduca,...

June 21, 2017