An Electoral Court in the Brazilian state of Macapá ordered the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo to remove a blog post by journalist João Bosco Rabello on Wednesday, Sept. 19, reported the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism.
The Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji in Portuguese) won the National Association of Newspapers (ANJ in Portuguese) Prize for Press Freedom on Monday, Aug. 20, reported Ancelmo Gois in his column for the newspaper O Globo. The prize was awarded during the 9th Brazilian Congress of Newspapers in the city of São Paulo.
The Center for Investigative Reporting (CIR) has partnered with Univision News to create investigative video stories aimed at Spanish speakers in the United States and Latin America, according to LA Observed.
Investigative journalist Lydia Cacho has fled Mexico on the heals of new death threats against the journalist, reported Fox News Latino on Friday, Aug. 3.
The Journalism School of Columbia University in New York gave out the María Moors Cabot awards dedicated to outstanding journalists covering the western hemisphere. The 74th edition of the prizes were awarded to Teodoro Petkoff, newspaper publisher of Tal Cual in Venezuela; David Luhnow, head of the Latin American office of the The Wall Street Journal; as well as Juan Forero, correspondent for the Washington Post and of the South American NPR; and publisher and columnist Miguel Ángel Bastenier, of the newspaper El País and professor of the New Ibero-American Journalism Foundation in Colombia.
Since the Brazilian Law of Information Access went into effect on May 16, the Brazilian federal government has received 17,516 requests to access documents and other information.
“Newspapers die or are under military heels or commit suicide because they do not face their real problems." These were the words of Brazilian journalist Jânio de Freitas.
It is no coincidence: the same year that the Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji in Portuguese) celebrated its 10 year anniversary, investigative journalist Tim Lopes received posthumously several honors on the 10-year anniversary of his killing.
If there is one message that can summarize the conversation between New York Times columnist David Carr and Professor Rosental Calmon Alves, director and founder of the Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, it is that, in today's journalism, if you want to do something, don't just think about it -- do it.
The Brazilian Association of Investigative Journalism (Abraji in Portuguese) will begin on Thursday, July 12, its 7th International Conference on Investigative Journalism in the city of Sao Paulo.
The online news site Plaza Pública (Public Square), created in early 2011 to bring a "more independent, less superficial" journalism to Guatemala, is aimed at exploring the relations between power and economy, and power and organized crime.
Mexican journalist Ana Lilia Pérez was recognized with the Leipziger Medienpreis 2012 award for being a courageous investigative journalist, reported the newspaper Milenio.