
Legal Cases

Posts Tagged ‘ Legal Cases ’

Emilio Gutiérrez Soto

U.S. immigration judge denies asylum to Mexican journalist for a second time

A U.S. immigration judge has again denied asylum for a Mexican journalist who fled his country a decade ago out of fear for his life.

Portada informe sobre impunidad en crímenes contra periodistas de la organización

With 99% impunity for crimes against journalists, organization says Mexican justice system is flawed

The worrisome figures of violence against the press in Mexico – pointed out by various organizations as one of the most dangerous countries to practice journalism – become even more dramatic when taking into account levels of impunity in those cases.

a screenshot from the Educação do Mal video report

Brazilian journalist is the target of more than 60 lawsuits after publishing a report on alleged fraud in education

A series of reports on alleged fraud in evaluations of public education in Sobral and other cities in Ceará, in the northeastern region of Brazil, has so far led to 63 lawsuits against journalist Wellington Macedo.

Carmen Aristegui

Mexico Supreme Court decides in favor of freedom of expression and gives new victory to journalist Carmen Aristegui

The First Chamber of that court granted an amparo to the journalist, which revoked the sentence of a Mexican federal court that convicted Aristegui of moral damage of businessman Joaquin Vargas Guajardo, president of the media group.

O ministro do STF Gilmar Mendes, que teve ganho de causa no STJ em processo contra o jornalista Rubens Valente. (Foto: Nelson Jr./SCO/STF)  

Brazilian journalist is ordered to pay damages to Supreme Court minister over passages in book

The book is a report about the operation that investigated banker Daniel Dantas, who was arrested in 2008 after being accused of corruption and bribery and released a few days later upon Mendes’ decision, then-president of the STF, the country's highest court.

Manuel Durán

Salvadoran journalist receives two week stay of deportation from U.S., but lawyers say it is "only a temporary reprieve"

Manuel Durán Ortega, a Salvadoran journalist from Memphis, Tennessee, received a two week stay of deportation while the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit considers his emergency motion for a stay, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) reported.

Paola Ugaz

Archbishop sues Peruvian journalist for aggravated defamation

Peruvian journalist Paola Ugaz was criminally denounced for aggravated defamation by the Archbishop of Piura and Tumbes, José Antonio Eguren Anselmi. The religious figure accuses Ugaz of having damaged his honor and reputation.

IDL Reportero logo

Peruvian journalists ask the IACHR to request the government adopt urgent protection measures for investigative journalists

The Peruvian journalistic site IDL-Reporteros, which in the middle of this year revealed a deep crisis in the country’s judicial system through the release of audio recordings of telephone leaks, asked the Inter-American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR) to demand that the government provide urgent protection measures for journalists and officials investigating the alleged acts of corruption.


Colombian prosecutor files legal action against journalist; press organizations reject ‘judicial harassment’

After learning that a Colombian prosecutor had lodged a tutela – the country's judicial recourse to restore fundamental rights – against journalist María Jimena Duzán due to an opinion column, scandal broke out in the country as colleagues and press freedom organizations expressed their rejection of the use of this mechanism.