“Stolen Memory” is the investigation that led to the creation of the first journalistic platform that collects massive data on illicit trafficking of cultural artifacts from Latin American countries. It is a project of Peruvian digital investigative journalism site Ojo Público, which invited four important media in the region to participate in a transnational and collaborative investigation.
Judicial decisions on freedom of expression and access to information of the highest courts of 16 Latin American countries are available for free consultation now that the Freedom of Expression Case Law online database in Spanish is available.
Digital sites from Latin America and Spain were recognized as the winners of the four main prizes handed out by the Gabriel García Márquez Journalism Award on Sept. 29 during the festival of the same name in Medellín, Colombia.
Researcher Olga Khrustaleva is looking for journalists and activists across Latin America to share their experiences with Internet censorship. Her goal: to map types of Internet censorship in the region and to find out how journalists and activists are changing their behavior as a result.
The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas published a special essay by Brazilian editor Ricardo Gandour that looks at the effects of digital fragmentation on news production and consumption.
Almost one year after its official launch, Cuban digital magazine Periodismo de Barrio decided to use the month of August, a time when Cubans traditionally take vacations, to publish an innovative project that explored a major natural resource through short stories and original illustrations.
Rodolfo Romero is 27 years-old. He received money from the government to finance a news site. It was going to be called Cuba accuses (Cuba acusa) but he did not like the belligerent tone of the name, so he decided to call it Cuba denounces (Cuba denuncia) only to discover that was the name of a site created by exiled Cuban dissidents. Therefore, Romero edits the site Pensar en Cuba (Thinking of Cuba) along with a team that depends on the Ministry of Culture. Through it, the various policies of the United States concerning Cuba in the last 50 years are denounced.
Brazilian fact-checking startup Aos Fatos (translated as To the Facts) is celebrating its one-year anniversary and already making plans to expand its digital presence and to invest in publishing via video. Created in July 2015, the organization is dedicated to verifying facts and statements made by authorities, a journalistic practice that has become known as fact-checking.
Journalists from the Salvadoran digital native news site El Faro, the oldest of its kind in Latin America, have been recognized with the Excellence Award from the Gabriel García Márquez Journalism Award.
Earlier this year, Brazilian journalist Ricardo Gandour traded the newsroom’s frenetic environment for a somewhat more serene atmosphere of the university. The executive side of Gandour, director of content for media company Grupo Estado, gave space to his academic side as he became a visiting scholar at Columbia Journalism School in New York City. After a six-month stint, the editor will return to Brazil next week where he intends to continue uniting theory and practice.
Theaters in the streets to relay information, chronicles in indigenous languages and unknown stories from rural communities that don’t appear on the traditional news agenda. This is what some digital native media outlets in Latin America are producing and promoting.
Media fragmentation in the digital environment carries risks for journalism and for citizens in democratic societies, warns Brazilian journalist Ricardo Gandour, director of content for Grupo Estado and visiting scholar at Columbia Journalism School.