
Argentine government fines Internet provider of newspaper company $1.25 million

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  • September 17, 2010

By Ingrid Bachmann

Argentina's consumer defense office issued a $1.25 million fine to Cablevisión, the Internet provider of the media company Grupo Clarín, accusing the company of selling Internet access with an expired license from Fibertel, reported El Siglo de Tucumán.

The government explained that the fine is for “not giving true, clear and detailed information” to clients and offering Internet bandwidth service without the appropriate authorization, added La Nación.

According to Página 12, Grupo Clarín said the fine is not justified, as the commercialization of its Internet services only uses the Fibertel logo, and not the license. Cablevisión, the name of the Internet provider for Argentina's large media companies, has various telecommunications licenses.

In addition, the government said Fibertel must stop operating in three months.

Note from the editor: This story was originally published by the Knight Center’s blog Journalism in the Americas, the predecessor of LatAm Journalism Review.